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他是一个年轻人,明显地担忧而焦虑。He was a youngish man, obviously worried and anxious.

你认为自杀是否趋向年轻化?Do you think that committing suicide is becoming more youngish ?

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但他也任命了一批年轻而上进的改革家们就任内阁要职。But he has also appointed eager and youngish reformers to key cabinet posts.

那算命的年纪不大,穿著件呢袍子,看起来就像店里的学徒。The youngish fortuneteller looked like a shop assistant in his gabardine gown.

这六个参与的公司可以展现建筑界年轻先锋派的多样性。The six competing firms are a cross-section of architecture's youngish avant garde.

我表妹杰西卡,年近中年,却依然年轻不减,她是个地道的纽约人,而且还很迷信。My cousin, Jessica, a youngish middle-age female, is a native New Yorker, and is also a quite superstitious.

戈德利曼走进地图室时,一群庄重的青年人从旁边的会议室里走了出来。As Godliman entered the map room a cluster of youngish people with solemn faces emerged from the conference room beyond.

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不久她就同从教堂里面出来的人隔得远了,只有两个年轻的男子胳膊挽着胳膊,快步从后面跟了上来。She soon distanced the churchgoers, except two youngish men, who, linked arm-in-arm, were beating up behind her at a quick step.

丽莎还给我寄来孤儿院的照片,告诉我关于院里护理人员的故事,她们被孩子们称为“妈妈”,这些年轻的海地女子大都已有家室。She also sent photographs of the orphanage and told me about the caregivers, or “mommas, ” as they were called—most of them youngish Haitian women with families of their own.

温斯顿跳到电幕前面,来了个立正。电幕上早出现了个年轻女人,瘦骨嶙峋的,然而刚健有力,身穿紧身上衣,脚蹬体操鞋。Winston sprang to attention in front of the telescreen , upon which the image of a youngish woman, scrawny but muscular, dressed in tunic and gym-shoes, had already appeared.