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格林童话呢?Grimm's fairy tales?

死人不出卖人家的阴私。Dead men tells no tales.

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在医院的夜话。Night Tales at the Hospital.

小孩贪婪地倾听神话故事。The child devours fairy tales.

你听过嫦娥奔月的传说吗?Have you heard tales of change?

童话是虚构的故事。Fairy tales are made-up stories.

小孩子都爱听童话故事。Kids like to listen to fairy tales.

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托尔金笔下最黑暗的传说。The Darkest of all Tolkien's tales.

克里斯琴知道许多这样的故事。Hans Christian knew many such tales.

奶奶经常给小孙子讲故事。Granny often tells her grandson tales.

关于她如何训斥员工的故事。Tales of how she bawled out employees.

我们以童话故事使儿童娱乐。We beguiled the children with fairy tales.

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她编造出许多故事让我开心。How many tales to please me bath she coined.

结果是这一切童话故事都成真了。It turns out that the fairy tales come true.

诉说一千个让你惊奇的故事。Tell a thousand tales that will astound you.

白得像一个童话世界。It is so white just like a fairy tales world.

所以,大人们都十分热衷于密谋策划这些个童话故事。So we adults engage in a conspiracy of tales.

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这本爱尔兰童话集即将出版。The book Irish fairy tales is to appear soon.

所有恩奎斯特的高大的故事也违反质量。All Orville's tall tales also violate quality.

他把这个故事比做托尔斯泰的道德名篇。He likened the story to Tolstoy's moral tales.