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他们是不变的。They are changeless.

数字3是不变的。The number 3 is changeless.

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我拥有了一个不变的速度。A changeless speed in an active world.

终极的阶段是稳定不变。The ultimate State is the changeless state.

房间里的所有东西都保持原封不动。All the things in the room were kept changeless.

则股票价格维持现价不变。Criterion stock price keeps present price changeless.

没有谁能给我们永远不变的承诺。There won’t be a person who can give us a changeless promises

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为什么没有一生一世不变的情感?。Why don't have the affection with changeless one's whole life?

我们将在完全地满足、永恒、不变的状态。We would be in a perfectly satiated, permanent, changeless state.

“交天下朋友,创行业品牌”是我们不变的宗旨。Our changeless purpose is "Cross-world friends, a brand industry".

下了新证书以后原来的用户名密码什么的都不变吗?After issuing new letter original user name password of what changeless ?

这个变幻不息的世界,意味著背后有一个不变的实体,这个不变的实体就是神。The world of change implies a changeless being behind it. That changeless being is God.

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在成分和温度不变的情况下,导电液体的电导率是固定的。Specific conductance of conducting liquid is a constant when the component and temperature are changeless.

因而,在达到节水目的的同时,其冲涮力和舒适度是不变的。Consequently, in achieve section water goal while, its develop rinse force and easy is changeless moderately.

一个个日子升起又降落,一届届学生走来又走过,不变的是您深沉的爱和灿烂的笑脸。Each day rises to descend again, one the student has gone again, changeless is your deep love and bright smile.

至脑岛外侧份层面时,12点位正好是中央沟,再向外切时,中央沟基本保持该方向不变。On the section cutting insula, central sulcus locate exactly 12 o'clock direction and outward is ultimately changeless.

我们深信耐心的沟通、良好的互动、真正的了解,是举办成功婚礼的不变法则!They believe that patient communication, well interaction and real realization is the changeless law in a successful wedding.

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如反应速度不变或加快,分化能力不变或提高,说明皮质机能恢复良好。If response rate is fixed or accelerate, differentiation ability changeless or rise, explain coriaceous rehabilitation is good.

我们维持公司第三季度营收预期为人民币6.35亿元至人民币6.55亿元不变。We manage a company battalion of the 3rd quarter closes anticipate for the RMB 635 million yuan come RMB 655 million yuan changeless.

当光源的切向速度和视向速度都不为0时,在一定条件下光波波长不变。When the tangential and radial velocity of light source both does not equal 0, the light-wavelength is changeless under certain condition.