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我对他越来越钦敬。I fell more and more admiring him.

赞叹着它们紧闭的黑色脊背admiring their compact black bodies

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赞赏着它,徒劳地做着零与零的加法。Admiring it and adding noughts in vain.

我敢保证你会怒懽这种产品的。I'm sure you'll be admiring with this product.

她用了几个小时对着镜子自我欣赏。She spent hours admiring herself in the mirror.

比如欣赏一朵花,如花的布局。Just admiring a flower, such as flower arranging.

他漫步闲行,欣赏着壮丽的景色。He walked along admiring the splendour of the scenery.

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我在一片农田里流连徘徊,对那座桥赞赏不已。I prowled around a farmer's field admiring the bridge.

我当时正在欣赏镶嵌画的精致做工。I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic.

吃货建立的团队,也实在让人钦佩。Those who build mass by eating grass is worth admiring.

在这漫长的六月里-冲着崇拜它的泥塘-鼓噪。To tell your name–the livelong June–To an admiring Bog!

嫉妒和羡慕词义相隔太多?。Are jealousy and admiring acceptation be apart too much?

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我不住地羡慕那辆车,此时我看到了车主。I was busily admiring the car, when I noticed the driver.

当他进人大厅时,人们投以赞赏的目光。When he entered the hall, people gave him admiring glances.

我喜欢在公园里散步赏花。I enjoy strolling through the park and admiring the flowers.

举杯齐眉,观赏葡萄酒的色泽。Raise the glass to brow, viewing and admiring the color of wine.

正当我在观赏那座新建筑时,我町到有人叫我的名字。While admiring the new building I heard someone calling my name.

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其他的参赛者对金牌得主投以钦佩的眼光。The other contestants gave the gold-medal winner an admiring look.

人们在前面观赏著那些名花。People are viewing and admiring the famous flowers in front of them.

盛开的花雨落在我充满渴望的心那干涸的土地上。Rain of the bosom flowers fall into the dry land of my admiring heart.