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我对他的磨难表示同情。I expressed my commiserations on his tribulation.

没有受不了的苦,只有享不了的福。No tribulation is unable to stand , only blessing.

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其二、这些苦难经验是怎么被叙述出来的。Second, how were those experience of tribulation narrated?

此时此地,芸芸众生的血肉之躯,只不过是在劳役和苦难中熬煎。Here the lot of men born of the flesh is but to endure midst toil and tribulation.

与我这么多年所经历的磨难和挣扎着求生相比,两个警察算得了什么!What are two police to so many years' tribulation and struggling for survival of me!

在人类自身的局限里,人们悲凉地感受着冲突带来的苦难。In the limits of human-self, people dismally tasted the tribulation what the collision brought.

沧海桑田,风雨坎坷,伟大的祖国历尽磨难。The vicissitudes, the wind and rain is rough, the great motherland experiences the tribulation.

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中国农民工的所有苦难,都集中体现在春运中。The tribulation of Chinese migrant workers is no better revealed than in the Spring Festival Travel.

仁慈的天主,求祢领我堂妹敏婷渡过险境,聆听她一家的祈祷,早日康复!Most gracious God, please be with my cousin Jane and her family during this tribulation and heal her. Amen!

工作,痛苦,艰辛都不能使我们得到自由,自由来自于那些驱散我们欢乐的对细小的不安的认识之中。Not freedom from work, or pain, or tribulation. But freedom from the tiny guilts that gouge away at our joy.

据史书记载,尼古拉在受难期间的祈祷和领导让很多人皈依成为基督教徒。The scribes tell us that Nicholas’s prayers and leadership during the great tribulation led many to become Christians.

那麽,眼看著耶稣就要独自走完他苦难生命路程的彼得,是什麽样的心情呢?What then would be the heart of Peter, who was watching Jesus concluding his life by walking the course of tribulation alone?

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但是相反,人们必须衡量被流露的预止所预示的广泛抵章圆争战患易的时期,直迪飘稣的回回。But against this, one must weigh the prophecies of Revelation which predict widespread war and tribulation prior to Jesus' return.

以农民和小手工业者为基础的民间宗教,反映了激烈的社会抗争和人民对苦难的叹息。Based on peasantry and working class, the non-governmental religion reflects drastic opposition and people's groans of tribulation.

他的小说,密集而刺目地铺陈着鲜血和暴力,浓烈而恣肆地暴露和渲染着苦难。His novels are filled densely and strikingly with blood and violence which strongly and licentiously exposes and portrays the tribulation.

反对人类机器人的人争辩说一旦机器人的智力超过我们所想的,这对人类来说是个大忧患。People who against human robot argue that once the robot is more intelligent than we think, that maybe a great tribulation to human beings.

这首歌是一个指向的旅程来到大圈成一个精神的意识,只有磨难可以带来变化的人的证明。This song is a testament to a man whose journey had come full circle evolving into a spiritual consciousness that only tribulation can bring.

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无论耶稣在灾前、灾中或灾后为祂的教会而来,我都很高兴。I'll be happy whenever Jesus returns for His Church, whether it is Pre-Trib, sometime during the Tribulation, or at the end of the Tribulation.

萧红一生命途多舛,受尽磨难,31岁就在香港病故。Xiao Hong was full of setbacks and frustrations in her life, suffering from all kinds of tribulation. She died in Hong Kong for illness only at 31 years old.

我们经受的挫折与磨难其实是我们人生中最宝贵的一笔财富,我们应笑对人生,那我们将是最幸福的!We must smile to the life, the tribulation which and the setback undergoes treat as in oneself life precious wealth, you are finally in the world are happiest!