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一妻多夫,太恶心了。Polygamy is disgusting.

举一个一夫多妻制的主题。Take the subject of polygamy.

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你们可能对一夫多妻制无所谓。You'll be lukewarm about polygamy.

那么,为什么同样的优先考虑就不能适用于多配偶制呢?Why, then, shouldn't the same prioritising also apply to polygamy ?

一妻多夫在世界上许多国家已经存在了几个世纪了。Polygamy has been around for centuries in many countries around the globe.

一夫多妻制现在仍然存在于一些少数的上层阶级中。Polygamy still exists in some forms among upper class members of some minorities.

查纳是当地一个叫“查纳”的基督教派别的领袖,该教创立于1942年6月,允许一夫多妻制。He heads a local Christian religious sect, called the "Chana", which allows polygamy.

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他是当地一个叫做“査那教”的基督教门派的教主,该教允许一夫多妻。He heads a local Christian religious sect, called the "Chana", which allows polygamy.

杰夫一案表明,积极鼓吹一夫多妻权利的人士正面临一场艰苦卓绝的公共关系斗争。As the Jeffs case shows, polygamy -rights activists have an uphill public-relations battle.

盐湖城论坛报报道,布莱克莫尔与27个女人结婚并生了145个孩子,在2007年因一夫多妻被捕。Blackmore, who has married 27 women and has 145 children, was arrested for polygamy in 2007.

保卫者说这样的疾病证明了一夫多妻制的需要,来保证更多的孩子出生。Defenders say such diseases prove the need for polygamy to ensure that more children are born.

犹他州之前除了印地安人外,都是摩门教徒,而且美国以前因为一夫多妻制不准许犹他州设州。Utah was all Mormon, except for the Indians, and the U. S. wouldn't make it a state because of polygamy.

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从十七世纪至近几年,一夫多妻一直是日惹和梭罗市的社会习俗。Polygamy was also practiced for a long time in Yogyakarta and Solo, from the 17th century up to recent years.

在前现代中国,一夫多妻与娼妓制,深刻地形构了整个性相领域。Polygamy and prostitution had a deeply formative effect upon the entire field of sexuality in pre-modern China.

我们的价值观难道不比那些实践奴隶制度、食人俗和一夫多妻制的“原始”社会所奉行的价值观更好吗?Aren’t our values better than those of the ‘primitive’ societies that practice slavery, cannibalism, and polygamy?

一些专家指出,一夫多妻正在以新的形式出现在城市社会中,在那里男人仍然会与几个女人结婚。Some esperts point out that polygamy is taking on new forms in urban society, where men still marry several women.

我们需要把未达法定年龄的性行为、被迫婚姻、配偶虐待以及子女虐待和多配偶制婚姻本身仔细地区分开来。We need to be careful to distinguish under-age sex, forced marriage, spousal abuse and child abuse from polygamy , itself.

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这条法律说,如果要另娶妻子,第一位妻子必须同意,这使得多妻制比较少。The law, which stated that a first wife had to give permission before others were added, for instance, had kept polygamy rare here.

英语律师反击通过检查出生日期,结婚日期,并确定子女的一夫多妻制和一妻多夫。The English lawyers counter-attacked by checking birth dates, marriage dates, and identifying children born by polygamy and polyandry.

疾病——例如艾滋病,引起艾滋病的人体免疫缺陷病毒——使非洲把讨论放在了一夫多妻制上。Diseaes-such ai HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus that cause AIDS –that have revaged Africa are now part of the debate about polygamy.