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不,他头发不长,他头发很短。Does Eric wear his hair long?

但艾里克对此并没有表现出不安。But Eric wasn’t upset about it.

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你朋友艾力克放你鸽子?Your friend Eric boned you, huh?

克莱普顿和莱拉于1988年离婚。Eric and Pattie divorced in 1988.

艾利克能跑得和菲尔一样快吗?。Can Eric run as fast as Phil does?

艾里克今天早晨上班迟到了。Eric is late for work this morning.

她先看了看凯瑟琳然后看了看埃里克。She looked at Catharine and then Eric.

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其实她爱着男主角。Really, she's in love with Eric Stoltz.

埃里克获得了博鳌亚洲论坛于1992年在绘画。Eric received a BFA in painting in 1992.

他是有时记为李家祥克努森。He is sometimes credited as Eric Knudsen.

谢谢,埃里克,你能赏光真好。Thank you, Eric. It's good of you to come.

孙耀威送赠新书给小朋友。Eric presented new books to the small kids.

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埃里克满面春风地进来,带来的全是好消息。Eric just breezed in, full of the good news.

炉有限公司总裁,埃里克阿斯特同意。Eric Astor, president of Furnace MFG, agrees.

塔伦·埃格顿将扮演埃里克王子。Prince Eric would be played by TARON EGERTON.

艾利克吹起它的口哨,叫来了它的朋友。Eric tooted his whistle and called his friends.

他的手电筒像探照灯一样指向埃里克。His flashlight turned on Eric like searchlights.

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如果是那样,你应该告诉艾瑞克你怎么想的。If so, you should tell Eric what's on your mind.

孙耀威与关楚耀在台上玩到癫。On the stage, Eric and Kelvin Kwan played madly.

我想去看艾力克.约翰的演唱会。I am thinking of watching Eric Johnson's concert.