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他坐在我后面。He sat behind me.

身后响起了喇叭声。A honk behind her.

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我坐在沙莉后面。I sit behind Sally.

我会跟紧的。I'm right behind gou.

春天还远着呢。Spring is far behind.

于是,他们便被留了下来。They are left behind.

我工作进度落后了。I’m behind in my work.

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我在怪物的后面。I’m behind the monster.

NAI公司的理念是?The idea behind NAI is?

就在你正后方。They're right behind you.

现在,我要把这一切都置之度外。All that is now behind me.

就手把门关上。Close the door behind you.

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我在我的卡车后面拖着它,I pull it behind my truck,

那么为什么我们落后了呢?So why did we fall behind?

谁是幕后人?Who is behind the scenes?

谁支持这项计划?Who's behind this program?

在别人背后说坏话是可耻的。Don't speak ill behind him.

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为了那些我留在身后的人。For the ones I left behind.

他今天上午迟到了。He was behind this morning.

我的房租逾期未交。I've fallen behind my rent.