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阴囊温度提高会对精子生产有不良影响。Increased scrotal temperature can hurt sperm production.

目的确定闭合性阴囊损伤的CT诊断价值。Objective Evaluation of CT in the diagnosis of blunt scrotal trauma.

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未去势之公畜需同时进行去势及阴囊切除。In intact males castration and scrotal ablation must accompany this procedure.

术后均无局部血肿,阴囊水肿,切口感染。There are no postoperative hematoma, scrotal edema local, infection of incision.

在这之前他并无遭受外伤,发炎或任何其它阴囊疾病的记录。There was no preceding history of trauma, inflammation, or any other scrotal disease.

对照组采用肉膜囊睾丸固定术并得到随访62侧。In the control group, 62 testes underwent scrotal dartos orchiopexy and were followed up.

在施予后腹腔脓疡导管引流后,患者阴囊脓疡才逐渐消退。Percutaneous drainage of the retroperitoneal resulted in resolution of the scrotal abscess.

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将笔记本电脑放在膝盖上会使阴囊温度升高Putting a laptop on your lap increases your scrotal temperature by about 1.5 degrees C or so.

阴囊湿疹、耳部湿疹、脐窝湿疹、传染性湿疹样皮炎等。Scrotal eczema, eczema, ear, umbilical fossa eczema, eczema-like dermatitis, such as infectious.

目的观察派瑞松霜对阴囊湿疹的疗效及安全性。Objective To observe the therapeutic effect and safety of pevisone cream in treating scrotal eczema.

阴囊湿疹的原因此较复杂,有内部因素,又有外部因素。The reason of scrotal eczema this is more complex, have in-house factor, have exterior factor again.

哺乳类的睾丸完成一定的发育之后,由腹腔下降到阴囊。Greater mobility from incomplete descent or lack of a scrotal ligament predisposes to this condition.

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解尿膀胱尿道摄影或是阴囊超音波检查可以确认膀胱疝气的诊断。The diagnosis of bladder hernia can be confirmed by voiding cystourethrography or scrotal ultrasonography.

在大多数的情况下,未下降的睾丸在出生后数月内会自动向下移入阴囊。In most cases, undescended testicles move down into the scrotal sac on their own within the first few months.

但是,阴囊温度即使受到再小的额外影响也足以使男性精子质量发生变化。However, even asmall additional effect on scrotal temperature might be enough to affect a man’s sperm quality.

结论派瑞松霜外用治疗阴囊湿疹安全有效,值得临床选用。Conclusion Pevisone cream is effective and safe in treating scrotal eczema and can be used in the clinical practice.

结论应用阴囊筋膜血管网皮瓣重建尿道是尿道下裂再修复较为理想的方法。Conclusion Re-urethroplasty using scrotal fascia vascular net flap is ideal method for the failed hypospadias repair.

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阴囊皮肤缺损可能发生在外伤,感染,烫伤,恶性肿瘤或先天性异常。Scrotal skin defect may happen after trauma, infectious destruction, burn injury, malignancy and congenital anomalies.

阴囊基底部和后外侧部分别由阴囊后动脉内、外侧支的皮支供养。The basal and lateral skin are supplied by the medial and lateral branches of the posterior scrotal artery respectively.

目的探讨阴囊纵隔皮瓣联合尿道板一期修复尿道下裂的可行性。To investigate feasibility of repairing hypospadias with scrotal septal pedicle flap combined urethral plate in one stage.