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还有移置。There is displacement.

它有62立方英寸排水量。It has a 62 cubic inch displacement.

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张力和纵向位移。Strain and longitudinal displacement.

位移电流,一个全新的量!Displacement current, a brand new quantity!

为了实现这一点,我们要用到置换。To do that, we’ll apply a Displacement map.

其实表示的是实际位移C indeed represents an effective displacement.

阻尼器位移按指数关系松弛。The dashpot displacement relaxes exponentially.

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用位移传感器验证位移控制。Displacement control mode demonstration by LVDT.

升华和移置相同吗?Do you define sublimation as being displacement?

他称之为“移位假说。Gentile calls this the "displacement hypothesis.

心尖搏动范围扩大,向左下移位。Aex beat enlargement and left-downward displacement.

位移贴图是在ZBrush和PS中创建的。Displacement map was created in ZBrush and photoshop.

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升华是否属于移置的一种形式?Does that make it sort of a subgroup of displacement?

建立了以力和位移为未知量的混合法耦合方程。The mixed method is presented with force- displacement.

电位移矢量没有明显的物理意义。The electric displacement has no obvious physical meaning.

提出一种新结构形式的变容压缩器。In this paper, a new type positive displacement compressor.

移置是指将自己的欲望投放到他人身上。Now, what displacement does is it takes it from you to her.

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旋转的量称作角位移。The amount of rotation is known as an angular displacement.

此液压垫的最大公称力是4,500kN。The maximum displacement force in the cushion is 4, 500 kN.

同时对限制主梁平而内位移的限位措施进行了研究。The method to limit the plane displacement is also studied.