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它有自己的干电池充电器。It has its own battery charger.

充电器需要数分钟检测电池满否。Can I leave batteries in the charger?

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作为一个USB充电器的USB供电的设备。As an USB charger for USB-powered devices.

这一设计主要围绕充电器组而展开。This design revolves around the charger unit.

盒子内唯一的附件就是一个充电器。And the only accessory inside is a wall charger.

满电后请将旅充拔出。Please pull out charger when the battery is full.

配用2500毫安时锂电池及充电器,电池可连续使用2小时以上。A 2500 MAH lithium battery with charger is included.

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断开蓄电池充电器蓄电池滴流充电。Disconnect battery charger battery trickle charging.

再也不用为充电器踏破铁鞋了。You'd never need to hunt for the right charger again.

伴随着汽车充电器和一个售后家充电器。Comes with a car charger and an aftermarket home charger.

所有手机可能很快就会使用同一个单一类型的充电器。All mobile phones could soon use a single type of charger.

图一所显示的是电池充电器的方块图。The block diagram of a battery charger is shown in fig. 1.

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飞绸器一只,绸巾一块和充电器一台。A full set includes a flying machine, a silk and a charger.

我用大电流充电是否可以加快充电速度?A lithium-based battery should never get warm in a charger.

“所有的手机配一个直充和一个座充”怎么翻?Every mobile phone has a direct charger and a seat charger.

还示出了备用的道具的飞行电池,和充电器。Also shown are spare props, the flight battery, and charger.

看数码相机,这款数码相机和汽车电池充电器适配器。Look digital camera, digicam charger and car battery adapters.

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因此,我建议用户在运行这些软件的时候采用车座充电器。So, I recommend that you employ a car charger when running them.

本充电器是专门为镍氢电池设计的一款智能充电器。The intelligent charger is specially designed for NI-MH batteries.

餐位盘礼节和用途在承办宴会者和餐馆之间变化。Charger plate etiquette and use varies among caterers and restaurants.