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他站在船首看着大海。He stands on the prow looking at the sea.

这座岛的尾部,就像一艘巨大的叶子形成的船的船头。The end of the island is like a prow of a huge leafy ship.

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虾汤米粉配虾仁,豆芽,小排和蔬菜。Prow noodle soup with shrimp, bean sprout, pork rib and green vegetable.

而这里还有希望,但也只在船头与船尾之间,从未超出这个界限。And there were wishes here, but never more than could fit between prow and stern.

大卫和露西坐在渔船船头,凝望着烟波浩淼的水面。David and Lucy sat in the prow of the fishing boat and looked across the choppy water.

一具尸体站立船首,僵死的脸上有一双闪闪发光的眼睛,灰色的嘴唇悲伤地微笑。A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly.

建筑师选择用船的船头,并让该结构在一端形成弯曲的点。The architects chose to use the prow end of the ship, giving the structure a curved point at one end.

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莎克提•亨兹瑞沮丧地坐在小船头,瞪着两名年轻男性努力划桨。Shakti Hunzrin slumped deeper into the prow of the small boat and glared at the two young males laboring at the oars.

我相信有人非法进入宝路街1200号。我看见两个拿着手电筒的男人试图打破后门。I believe there is a break-in at 1200 Prow Street. I saw two men with a flashlight trying to break down the back door.

梅里韦瑟太太是个结实的高个儿女人,她的紧身褡束得很紧,挺出来的胸脯像个船头。Mrs. Merriwether was a tall, stout woman and so tightly corseted that her bust jutted forward like the prow of a ship.

这种帆船采用非洲、印度的木材制造,长约60英尺,船头船尾倾斜,备有方形的帆,如今在阿曼还可以找到的。Almost 60 feet long, with a raked prow and stern, it was built of Afri can and Indian wood and fitted with a square sail.

这种帆船采用非洲、印度的木材制造,长约60英尺,船头船尾倾斜,备有方形的帆,如今在阿曼还可以找到的。Almost 60 feet long, with a raked prow and stern, it was built of Afri­can and Indian wood and fitted with a square sail.

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这个品种以“维京猪笼草的称呼闻名,瓶子外形看似维京战船的船首。The species is popularly known as "Nepenthes viking" after the resemblance the pitchers bear to the prow of a Viking ship.

水蛭的安装题为Hypergraphia熨斗船头,直到2011年12月31日,在纽约的艺术空间展出。Leech's installation entitled Hypergraphia is on display at the Flatiron Prow Art Space in New York until December 31, 2011.

保持标尺移出,它们可以被用于在射击阶段从舰首发射切割光束。Keep markers 'hoovered up' like this to one side so they can be used to fire a cutting beam from the prow in the shooting phase.

第一栋楼设计成L形,犹如船首,表征该项目的城市特性。The first building, designed in L volume, serves as the prow of the whole, expressing in this fact the project's urban character.

船整夜都在浮冰中航行,船侧发出接连的咔哒声,缓慢而清晰。Prow and bouldered sea slugged it out all night, a clattering succession of growlers and bergy bits nudged aside, slowly but surely.

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当杨恩德里和鸭子斜撑篙慢慢得从船首划到船尾时,一座半淹的庙宇与灰暗中隐现。A sunken temple loomed up out of the greyness as Yandry and Duck leaned upon their poles and paced slowly from prow to stern, pushing.

可是,树枝一样不就是树荫园亭,而你现在没看见在那边儿那舟的首正在推那船的头吗?And don't you see how the bow of a bark over there is pushing the prow of a boat now?" the sow got soused at its trough and said sourly."

海栈的形状有点像俄勒冈州角基万达州立公园里船舶上的船头,是一些孤立的抵抗腐蚀的岩石块。Sea stacks, like this one shaped like the prow of a ship in Cape Kiwanda State Park, Oregon, are chunks of isolated rock resistant to erosion.