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畏怯如一只鸟!Timid as a Bird!

猫一胆怯,鼠就翻天。A timid cat dos a proud mouse.

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满腹怯意化尘埃。Bellyful of timid meaning dust.

猫一胆怯,鼠就翻天。A timid cat makes a proud mouse.

这个男孩胆小如鼠。The boy is as timid as a rabbit.

当光消隐时我是一个怯懦的孩子。I am a timid child when light is dead.

腆怯的思想呀,不要怕我。Timid thoughts, do not be afraid of me.

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哈哈哈哈,胆儿小如鼠的小新嫁娘。Haha, a young bride as timid as a mouse.

他是个谨慎的人,简直是个胆小如鼠的人。He is a cautious man, indeed a timid one.

那时,他非常胆小,也很怕羞。In those days he was very timid and shy.

他的话音听起来叫人胆战又心惊。His voice has a timid and tremulous sound.

没错,这给那些害羞的人鼓劲了。True, this provides encouragement to the timid.

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起初,乘客们只是偷偷地相视一笑。At first, the passengers exchanged timid smiles.

命运从来是抛弃怯懦而垂青勇毅。Fortune favors the bold, but abandons the timid.

一下短促的、胆怯的门铃声惊起了她。A short, timid ring at the doorbell summoned her.

还是一个时常爱拽着妈妈衣角的胆小鬼。Or a timid creatures clinging to my mother's skirt.

你表现的像一个胆小的人,所以就失败了。Consequently you come across as a timid person. Fail.

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一件长大衣在这个外套盛行的季节显得太胆小了。One long coat in a season of outerwear was too timid.

她们并不胆小,而是十分自信而且大胆。They are not timid. They're quite confident and bold.

他大胆小,他总想要逃避现实。He's too timid. He always wants to escape the present.