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找到你的焦点。Find your focus.

找一个新的聚焦点。Get a new focus.

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所以缩小你的焦点。So narrow your focus.

专注于每一口。Focus on each mouthful.

我可以专心做第一步。I can focus on step one.

我要关注我的家人!Iwill focus on my family!

我开始转移我的注意力。I began to shift my focus.

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这影像的焦距没调好。The image is out of focus.

焦距长底随透镜的厚度而变化。This is a long focus lens.

当然是你想要集中的东西上面。What you want to focus on.

专注于讲好故事。Focus on telling the story.

注意,回答问题。Focus. Answer the question.

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或者说,我们是否专注于优点?Or do we focus on strength?

肉类,则讲究刀工,即片。The meat is focus on slice.

但我们只关注了女人。Yet we focus only on women.

我只想考虑这头狮子。I want to focus on the lion.

然后专注于下一个目标。Then focus on the next goal.

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用户关注和参与。User focus and participation.

一个滑动的按钮可以调焦。A slider button adjusts focus.

“专注”对吉格斯来说至关重要。Focus is a big word for Giggs.