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杰克向射击者还击。Jack fires back at the assailant.

凶犯趁机逃进了附近的一个楼梯间。The assailant fled down a nearby stairwell.

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受害者说,一名行凶者用大头棒打了他。The victim said one assailant hit him with a club.

其后,汉普顿和杰克一起向开枪射击者追了过去。Then both Hampton and Jack go after the assailant.

沃尔什打电话给杰克,要杰克来救他。Walsh calls Jack to rescue him from the assailant.

他看到他的袭击者朝着马格达拉塔直奔。He saw his assailant head straight for the Tour Magdala.

沃尔什受了伤,但是仍然向射击他的人还击了几枪。Walsh is wounded but is able to shoot back at his assailant.

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其他参加聚会的人把这名伤者从行凶者手中救了出来。Other party-goers rescued the injured man from his assailant.

沃尔什打电话给杰克,要杰克来救他。杰克向市区出发。Walsh calls Jack to rescue him from the assailant. Jack heads downtown.

你也得考虑何时以及是否可以跟侵犯者讲理。You also need to think about when and if you can reason with an assailant.

袭击者随机向祈祷人群开枪,三名男子未能逃脱而受伤,他们分别为30、35和56岁。The assailant opened fire, injuring three men, ages 30, 35 and 56, before fleeing.

当危险威胁到森林王国,艾瑟洛伦大地就会苏醒来去反抗入侵者。When danger threatens the forest athel loren itself awakes to confront the assailant.

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当危险威胁到森林王国,艾瑟洛伦大地就会苏醒来去反抗入侵者。When danger threatens the forest athel loren itself awakes to confront the assailant.

妻子邓文迪使出了“打苍蝇”,挡住了袭击默多克的人。Wendi Deng, Murdoch's wife, thwarted the attack by swatting at the pie-packing assailant.

但佩尔森不同意约翰逊可能只有一位袭击者的最初论断。Peirson disagreed with Johnson’s initial assessment that there was likely only one assailant.

德国西部城市路德维希港一所学校受到袭击,袭击者杀死了一位教师。An assailant has killed a teacher at a school in the western German city of Ludwigshafen, police say.

伊斯坦布尔安全部队在直升机的支持下,对逃逸的凶手进行了搜捕。Istanbul security forces supported by helicopters are engaged in a manhunt for the surviving assailant.

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陈不甘示弱从背后抽出水果刀,朝卢猛刺,行凶后携刀逃逸。Chen outdone out from behind a fruit knife, North Korea Lu stabbed, assailant fled after carrying knives.

五月初,一名希腊公民在雅典被杀害之后,对移民的袭击加强。第二天,右翼分子开始袭击移民。The attacks intensified after a Greek citizen was mugged and killed in Athens in early May, by an unknown assailant.

达尔回忆道,他从网上找到了一个录音,上面说岛上的攻击者打扮成政客的模样。On the internet, Dahl recalls, he came across a tweet that said the assailant on the island was dressed as a policeman.