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我用我的女王拿了她的车。I take her rook with my queen.

我们希望能够继续工作,对我们的会晤车!We want to get to work on our meeting rook !

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喂,年轻的骑兵,怎么样了?您觉得我的秃鼻乌鸦不错吧?Well, young cavalryman , how is my Rook doing for you?

把乌鸦和白嘴鸦弄混是很平常的事。Confusion between the crow and the rook is quite common.

这步意想不到的招法将黑方的车投入战局。This unexpected move serves to draw the black rook into the game.

粉盐是井矿盐厂中副产品。The powder salt is a by-product of the well and rook salt factory.

进行王车易位的车在游戏中还没有移动过。The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.

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露可加大了油门,摩托车喷出一阵白烟。Rook goosed the throttle, and the bike sent up a cloud of white smoke.

目前没有其他棋子之间的国王和车参与易位。There are no other chess pieces between the king and the rook involved in the castling.

在特殊的规则下,国王和车可以同时移动。Under certain, special rules, a king and rook can move simultaneously in a castling move.

一枚蛋从窝里滚落,这对约翰鸦来说再公平不过。他很快就可以照看自己的幼鸟。An egg tumbled from the nest is fair game for Johnny Rook. He'll soon have his own brood to look after.

克莱尔发抖的说道。“男孩,我真的希望不要这样。”她用她的一个卒拿了我的一个车。“你是怎样遇到你妻子的呢?”Clare shudders. “Boy, I hope not.” Shetakes one of my pawns with her rook. “How did you meet your wife?”

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本方法用于泥质岩盖层微观封闭能力的综合评价是可行的。It is considered that the method is feasible for comprehensive assessment of shale cap rook micro-sealing.

该法的“易位”涉及两个棋子,和国王的车有两种不同的方式,以城堡。The act of "castling" involves two chess pieces, the rook and king and there are two different ways to castle.

克莱尔叹了一口气。她用她的车拿走了另一个卒。我开始移动我的卒。我把女王的主教移到了KB4。Clare sighs. She takes another pawn with her other rook. I'm starting to run low on pawns. I move Queen's Bishop to KB4.

王后是车和主教移动方式的组合,王后可以按任何任何直线运动,水平,竖直,或者斜移。The queen has the combined moves of the rook and the bishop, i. e. , the queen may move in any straight line , horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

博士解释说,“从人类诞生开始,存在于泥土、未经处理的水和粪便中的微生物就伴随我们一起生存。”"The bottom line is organisms that were present in mud, untreated water and feces were with us right from the start of humanity," Rook explained.

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正在进行更大规模的研究,以确定细菌和寄生虫诱发免疫系统调适免疫反应的确切机制。Larger studies are underway to determine the exact mechanism by which bacteria and parasites are causing the immune system to moderate its response, Rook said.

“在进化过程中,因为人体必须承受这些微生物,以此激活人体免疫系统的承受能力,”Rook说。"What has happened over the course of evolution is, because these bugs had to be tolerated, they came to activate the tolerance of the immune system, " Rook said.

露可•巴特利站在这个损坏的机器旁边,右手扭着把手上的油门,左手正在把她紫红色的头发编成马尾辫。Rook Bartley was standing alongside the chopped machine, twisting the handlebar throttle with her right hand while her left ponytailed her long strawberry-blond hair.