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货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。We have been able to transship cargoes at Hong Kong.

我们没有开往中国的航班,货物必须在悉尼转船。We don't have liners to China, we must transship the goods at Sydney.

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为保证及时交货,如果没有直达班轮,我们将转船。No direct liner are available, we shall transship the goods to ensure timely delivery.

我们有开往日本的航班,然后可以在日本转船去中国的青岛。We have liners sailing to Japan, and then we can transship the goods to Qingdao at Japan.

我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾遇到过麻烦事。We have been able to transship S. E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap.

我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾碰到过麻烦事。We have been able to transship S. E. Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hong Kong without mishap.

原则上讲。我们不同意出口商转船交货。因为那样会增加货物被盗及损坏的风险。As a rule, we don't give exporters permission to transship goods. As you know adds to the risks of pilferage and damage.

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而网站上仍然给从中国违法倒运蜂蜜和其它受关税保护的商品到美国的倒爷们大量机会。And websites still openly offer brokers who will illegally transship honey and scores of other tariff-protected goods from China to the U.S.

在计划书中,GFCM成员国将会指定港口,在希望在这些港口卸货,转运,鱼类加工,加油采购补给等的外国渔船必须靠岸。Under the scheme, GFCM countries will designate ports where foreign fishing boats wishing to offload, transship or process fish, or take on fuel and supplies, must land.

“允许CBI优惠项目用于向美国免税转运大量巴西乙醇简直是一项糟糕的贸易政策”,格来斯利说。"Allowing the CBI preference program to be used as a vehicle to transship large quantities of Brazilian ethanol to the US duty-free is simply bad trade policy, " Grassley said.