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立法是一种选择。Legislation is one option.

第二点,不应有道德式的立法。Number two, no morals legislation.

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这是立法所必须给予通过的。It's a must-pass piece of legislation.

第一,家长式的立法。One of them is paternalist legislation.

参议院后来通过了原来打算讨论的立法。The Senate later passed the legislation.

地方政府立法?新的预算法?Local government legislation? New budget law?

但政策和立法只能走这么远。But policy and legislation can only go so far.

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自治法是一种非体系化状态。Autonomous legislation is an unsystematic state.

第六,原因自由行为的立法。Sixth, the legislation of actio libera in cause.

所以,州长斯奈德的立法是针对工人。So, Governor Snyder's legislation is anti-worker.

他还禁止后座议员参在法律制定上玩花样。He prohibited backbenchers from crafting legislation.

我国目前对认购书尚无立法。Presently, there is no legislation of offers in China.

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这个问题很复杂,而立法又不足。The subject is complex and the legislation inadequate.

香港有严厉的防止避税法例。We also have stringent anti-tax avoidance legislation.

其它的一些州也在采取类似的立法措施。Many other states are also enacting similar legislation.

行的话我马上立一份合同传过来”。OK, then I immediately pass legislation over a contract.

美国众议院在六月通过了一项排放限度与额度交易的立法。The U.S. House in June passed cap-and-trade legislation.

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中关村立法充溢着创新性品格。The legislation of ZSP is full of innovative characters.

议会对其他税收立法打算怎么做。What Congress intends to do about other tax legislation.

其中,第一节介绍大理寺的立法职能。Chapter Two discusses the legislation function of Da Lisi.