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但她又会体贴的消除他们的忧虑。But she is careful to assuage their concerns.

做的所有的努力有可能缓和这个敏感的是市场吗?Will all this assuage the cantankerous markets?

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能抚慰乳腺增生发育。To assuage the development of mammary hyperplasia.

作为大使,布什能够缓和绝大部分的困扰。As an envoy, Bush could assuage most of these worries.

小肥羊尽力减轻顾客对食品安全的担心。Little Sheep has taken pains to assuage food-safety concerns.

它是一种不管是电梯里的交流,还是长达20页的论文都无法缓解的紧张。It's a tension that no elevator speech or 20-page thesis could assuage.

这将会填补这些旅店的空床,减少“游客种族隔离”的指责。That would fill empty beds, and assuage resentment at "tourist apartheid".

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在昨晚的决定中,财政大臣试图缓和市场情况。In their decision last night, finance ministers tried to assuage the markets.

但是这样都不足以缓和乔纳斯现在开始承受的痛苦,由此可知痛苦的程度。It was not enough to assuage the pain that Jonas was beginning, now, to know.

虚拟化和更有力的解决方式是缓解这一症结的方法。Virtualization and more powerful appliances help assuage this issue for a while.

但它并不能减轻人类的痛苦,或者在人生的斗争中找到终极意义。But it could not assuage human grief or find ultimate meaning in life's struggle.

为了缓和这些忧虑,会晤必须产生切实的成就。In order to assuage these worries, the meeting must produce tangible achievements.

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我们也许为了减轻内心的歉疚或为了安抚孩子而或多或少的宠溺孩子。We assuage our guilt and comfort our children through small and large indulgences.

如果'坏帐银行/好银行'方案可以平息这些担心,那麽对市场有帮助.If we can assuage those concerns with the 'bad bank-good bank' plan, that will help.

因为他们是人,他们用自我欺骗来缓解他们随之产生的不确定感。And because they are human, they assuage their ensuing uncertainty with self-deceptions.

因为他们是人,他们用自我欺骗来缓解他们随之产生的不确定感。And because they are human, they assuage their ensuing uncertainty with self- deceptions.

药品公司在探寻可以减轻从中风到羞怯的大脑相关疾病的分子。Drug companies are hunting for molecules to assuage brain-related ills, from paralysis to shyness.

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达施勒先生与那些团体无数次的来往可能有助于缓解他们的烦恼。Mr Daschle’s innumerable entanglements with those groups might have helped to assuage their worries.

任何缓和股东担忧的进一步变化都可能在裁定后不久宣布。Any further changes to assuage shareholder concerns are likely to be announced soon after the ruling.

总是处在她的包围圈下可能是比较累,但要让她平息一下担忧和控制欲是个漫长的过程。Keeping her in the loop may be tiring, but it'll go a long way to assuage her concerns and need for control.