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众神!出来时间和空间,毁灭吧!Ye gode! Annihilate but space and time.

要知道,在强也能湮灭在岁月无痕中。Should know that the strong can annihilate Seamless in the years to come.

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当物质与反物质发生碰撞,他们在放出一瞬间的光能后随即消失。When matter and antimatter collide, they annihilate in a flash of energy.

这是一个什么样的组织?是谁指使他们来杀我们的?This is a what kind of union?BE who straight them to come to annihilate ours?

一举格杀,都是他们惯有的攻击。With one deed annihilate in fighting, entire is that they spoil some attacks.

库切纳表示,当易碎的尘埃颗粒相互碰撞时会彼此湮灭。When the fragile dust grains collide, they can annihilate each other, he said.

相反的,因为他们的与众不同,我们也想歼灭他们。We, in turn, wanted to annihilate them because they were different," Hanks said.

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涅槃绝对没有自我消灭的意思,因为没有自我可以消灭。Nirvana is definitely no annihilation of self, because there is no self to annihilate.

然而他的精神武器能够摧毁来自整个瑞士唯利是图的军队。His spiritual weapons, however, could annihilate entire battalions of Swiss mercenaries.

如果真有此需要,那么即使不惜代价我们也要增派部队,因为基地组织一心想消灭我们。If it is, then we have to do whatever it takes because al-Qaida is out to annihilate us.

当粒子和它的反粒子相遇时,它们会发生湮灭并产生能量。When a particle and its antiparticle meet they can mutually annihilate and produce energy.

艾利也可能是圣战战士,用他的圣经作为道德指引去消灭异教徒。Eli could also be a jihadist, using a holy book as his moral cue to annihilate the infidels.

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事实告诉我们,对这些恶势力,要坚决打击,除恶务尽。Facts show that we must fight and annihilate the three evil forces resolutely and thoroughly.

因为亚扪人和摩押人起来,击杀住西珥山的人,将他们灭尽。The men of Ammon and Moab rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them.

当粒子和反粒子相撞,他们在一小股能量闪烁后彼此湮灭。When particles and anti-particles collide, they annihilate each other in a small flash of energy.

反物质一旦接触到普通物质,两者即会同时湮灭。The problem is that whenever antimatter comes into contact with regular matter, the two annihilate.

你仅仅有一偶然发生消灭收入的贮藏物敌人对于行星的速度。You have just one chance to annihilate the hoards of incoming enemies that speed towards the planet.

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这种对看不见的世界所产生的恐惧远远盖过了仅仅在肉体上所显出的懦弱,结果恐惧反会将懦弱消弭于无形。Such terror of the unseen is so far above mere sensual cowardice that it will annihilate that cowardice.

当人类停止彼此屠杀,自然界也将停止屠杀人类的庄稼或人类自己。As humans cease annihilating one another, nature will cease to annihilate human crops, or humans themselves.

国大党已经荒废了国家,再来一个任期,印度就会完全被摧毁。印度的敌人在内部。But congis have already ruined the country and want one more term to totally annihilate India. Enemy is internal.