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如果平局就掷硬币Flip if tie.

我喜欢你的领带。I like your tie.

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让我们一醉方休。Let's tie one on.

我解下领带。I take off my tie.

让我们结为连理枝吧!Let's tie the knot!

去绊住猪脚!Tie the pig's feet!

我来系好帽带。I'll tie the riband.

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他能系帆角索。He can tie a bowline.

用细绳把它扎起来。Tie it with a string.

我可以替您系上围兜吗?May I tie on your bib?

请把这个包裹用绳捆好。Please tie this parcel.

你的领带松了。Your tie has loosened.

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我想买一个领带扣针。I want to buy a tie pin.

二,系鞋带。One, two, tie your shoe.

你的领带和你很相衬.That tie suits you well.

折叠式配合关闭。Fold-up with tie closure.

你的新领带多少钱买的?How much is your new tie?

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这条领带是蚕丝制成的。This tie is made of silk.

包前与身边的领带。Wrap front with side tie.

年幼的孩子是个牵累。Young children are a tie.