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目的分析成岩作用对辽河拗陷东部凹陷古近纪碎屑岩储层的控制作用。Aim To analyze the diagenesis controlling on the Palaeogene reservoir of the eastern sag of Liaohe Basin.

在伸展和走滑两种活动体制下,渤海湾盆地早第三纪构造样式有五种类型。Owing to the extension and strike slip action, there were five basic types of the structural styles during the Palaeogene in Bohai Gulf Basin.

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运用适合于陆相地层分析的高分辨率层序地层学理论分析了渤海海域古近系层序地层学特征。The sequence stratigraphic characteristics of the Palaeogene in Bohai Sea area were analyzed by the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory.

渤中凹陷古近系是目前勘探和研究程度相对较低的层位。The Palaeogene reservoir rocks in central Bohai Gulf depression are believed to be less developed in the current aspects of research and exploration.

东营断陷盆地古近系发育的地层流体超压系统对油气运聚、成藏至关重要。The formation superpressure system developed in the Palaeogene system of Dongying Fault Basin plays an important role in hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.

面120区位于八面河油田西南端,主要含油层系为下第三系沙河街组沙三段与沙四段。Mian-120 Area is located on the south-west end of Bamianhe Oilfield, the main reservoirs include Sha-3 Zone and Sha-4 Zone of Shahejie formation of palaeogene system.

因此,认为柴北缘盆地在古近纪为非对称走滑拉分盆地,在新近纪为挤压坳陷盆地。Therefore, the authors consider that the basin was an asymmetrical strike-slip pull-apart basin in the Palaeogene but becomes a compressive depression basin in Neocene.

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文昌组的无定形有机质反映了古湖泊表层水的高生产力和湖底水体的贫氧环镜。The abundant AOM of the Wenchang Formation reflects the high productivity in the surface water and reducing dysoxic conditions in the bottom water of the Palaeogene lake.

茂名盆地为伸展作用下形成的半地堑式断陷盆地,油页岩发育于古近系油柑窝组和新近系尚村组中。The Maoming Basin belongs to a half graben-like faulting basin of extension regime. The oil shales are found both in the Palaeogene Youganwo Formation and in the Neocene Shangcun Formation.

辽河油田杜84块是曙一区超稠油主力含油区块,纵向上发育有新近系馆陶油层和古近系兴隆台油层两套超稠油主力含油层系。In Block Du 84, the main hyper-heavy oil block in Area Shu 1, vertically develop Neogene Guantao oil layer and Palaeogene Xinglongtai oil layer, constituting the main hyper-heavy oil layers.

东濮凹陷西洼南段老第三系属地堑型湖盆沉积,主要发育河流相、三角洲相、冲积扇相、扇三角洲相以及湖泊相。The Palaeogene system in the southern west sag of the Dongpu depression consists of rift lacustrine deposits, and is developed with fluvial, delta, alluvial, fan delta and lacustrine facies.

东濮凹陷西洼南段老第三系属地堑型湖盆沈积,主要发育河流相、三角洲相、冲积扇相、扇三角洲相以及湖泊相。The Palaeogene system in the southern west sag of the Dongpu depression consists of rift-lacustrine deposits, and is developed with fluvial, delta, alluvial, fan-delta and lacustrine facies.

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堆晶体发生部分熔融,拆沉物熔融岩浆与地壳熔融岩浆于地壳岩浆房产生完全混合作用,形成古近纪具同碰撞及弧火山属性的岩浆。The magma of melted detaching and sinking crystal completely mixes with that of the melted crust in the magmatic chamber of crust, which forms the Palaeogene syncollision and volcanic arc magma.

古新世中—晚期碳酸盐台地遭受不断的挤压与变形,进一步说明大陆的碰撞在古新世之初就已发生。The mid-late Palaeogene carbonate platform un-derwent continued compression and deformation, which further indicates that the continent collision had taken place at the beginning of the Palaeogene.