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他们开错车了?。They keyed the wrong car?

他把钢琴的音调调到了音乐会要求的音高标准。He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.

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使该信带有一种讥讽的语气。The letter is keyed to a tone of sarcasm.

这一事件使已存在的紧张局势更加恶化了。This affair keyed up the existing tension.

坐立不安或者感觉紧张或疲惫Restlessness or feeling keyed up or exhausted

她的表演让观众感到非常兴奋。The audience was keyed up for her performance.

锁具必须是采购的而且钥匙必须是单独的。Lock-out locks shall be purchased, keyed separately.

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他按下发送键,然后查看运动探测器。He keyed it to send, then checked the motion sensors.

这个属性是有金钥的杂凑演算法之金钥。This property is the key for the keyed hash algorithm.

为键控物理或逻辑文件创建索引。An index is created for a keyed physical or logical file.

我把自己的调弄太高了,整个过程显得太神圣了。I was too keyed up and the whole process seemed too holy.

他的讲话大大激励了球队踢好这场比赛。His speech greatly keyed up the team for the football match.

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他在第一次登台之前着实捏了把汗呢。He was all keyed up before making his first stage appearance.

他在表演前将小提琴所有的弦都调好了。He keyed up all the strings of his violin before his performance.

乐工们在音乐会快开端前为乐器调了音。The musicians keyed their instruments just before the concert began.

几天过去了,但那记忆仍然使他紧张不安。Days had passed, but the memory still had him keyed up. He couldn’t sleep.

当其被振动时,便开始引入被锁定的频率。When it vibrates, it begins to bring in the frequencies to which it is keyed.

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价跌持仓量大幅递减,空单有逢低回补动作。Sharp decline in prices drop positions, empty every keyed complement actions alone.

后来我发现那个男人撬了某人的汽车,这些人都是打抱不平的。I later found out the man I saved had just keyed someone's car and they had intervened.

价回调持仓量续递减,空单仍有逢低回补动作。Callback positions continued declining, empty single still has every keyed repair actions.