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他隐居在威尔士一个偏僻的小村舍里。He is incommunicado in a secluded cottage in Wales.

个人在隔离监禁时最易遭到刑求。Individuals are most at risk of torture when held in incommunicado detention.

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隔离禁见是助长刑求、虐待、失踪之行为。Incommunicado detention facilitates torture, ill-treatment and "disappearances".

刘晓波的妻子刘霞自2010年10月中旬遭到软禁,与外界失去联络。Mr. Liu's wife Liu Xia has been under house arrest and incommunicado since mid-October 2010.

人权观察表示,禁止被捕人员与外界接触往往是刑事起诉的前奏。Incommunicado arrests are often the prelude to criminal prosecutions, Human Rights Watch said.

由于被捕至今一直遭到羁押禁见,他很可能受到酷刑或其他虐待。He has been held incommunicado since then, putting him at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.

自从他被捕之后,他已经被单独监禁两个多月了。Newsweek’s Maziar Bahari still languishes incommunicado in prison more than two months after his arrest.

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被指控的行为包括采取单独监禁和采用酷刑逼供,诺瓦克说。The alleged abuses include holding people incommunicado and extracting confessions through torture, Nowak said.

北京一位有名的律师张建中于2002年被警察局拘留一个多月,不得与外界通信。Zhang Jianzhong, one of Beijing s leading attorneys, was held incommunicado by police for over a month in 2002.

五名皈依基督教者遭到逮捕,现被隔离监禁,恐遭到刑求。Five converts to Christianity have been arrested, and are now held incommunicado . They are in danger of torture.

这一回答既含混又明确,让人感觉那是个富于浪漫气息的与世隔绝的地方。The combination of vagueness and specificity in the answer gives a sense of somewhere romantically incommunicado.

对政府对人随意进行拘禁和监禁或者进行单独禁闭的能力没有限制。There were no restrictions on the government's ability to detain and imprison persons at will or to hold them incommunicado.

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在被指控之前陈水扁已经被捕入狱限制通信一个月,引发民众对无罪假定这一原则的质疑。Mr Chen was imprisoned incommunicado for a month before he was charged, raising questions about the presumption of innocence.

政府可以任意、毫无限制地扣留和监禁个人,还迫使他们与外界断开联系。There are no restrictions on the ability of the government to detain and imprison persons at will and to hold them incommunicado.

据报导,他们多数被隔离监禁于首都的国家保安拘留中心或其他不明地点。Many of those arrested are reported to be held incommunicado in national security detention facilities in the capital or at unknown locations.

沙乌地阿拉伯当局时常将被拘留者隔离监禁,在这段期间他们有被刑求虐待的危险。The Saudi Arabian authorities regularly hold detainees incommunicado , at which time they are at risk of being tortured and otherwise ill-treated.

他们会在没有被控告的情况下先被单独监禁120天,然后经特别法庭审判,可能判处更长时间的拘留。They may be held incommunicado and without charge for 120 days before being put before a special court that could impose further months of detention.

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一位不愿透露姓名的伊朗官员告诉法尔斯通讯社监禁报道不属实,他们只是被隔离在自己家中.An unnamed Iranian official told the Fars news agency the report of the jailing wasn't true. He said the men remained at their homes but incommunicado.

星期三的声明是在一名伊朗高级外交官被释放的后一天,他是两个月前被绑架的并被单独囚禁的。Wednesday's announcement came a day after the release in Baghdad of a senior Iranian diplomat who had been abducted two months ago and held incommunicado.

报告揭露,英国情报人员曾在巴基斯坦“某些人犯被施以酷刑的所谓安全场所”对这些被隔离监禁的囚犯进行审讯。It accuses British intelligence officers of interviewing detainees held incommunicado in Pakistan in "so-called safe houses where they were being tortured".