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现在你可以吃些蛋糕和苹果。Now you can have sone and.

成功得流汗、得流泪。It may take sone sweat and tears.

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请给我一些番茄酱和纸巾?Please give me sone ketchup and napkins.

我想要中国的精品。I'd like to buy sone Chinese handicrafts.

一些看不见的手指,如慵懒的微风。Sone unseen fingers, like an idle breeze.

你能告诉我更多关于公司文化的详细情况吗?。Could you tell me sone more about the company culture?

你听过“十个印度小男孩”这道歌吗?Have you heard the sone"Ten Little Indian Boys"before?

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一些人只是运气不好。我真希望你不必经历这种痛苦。Sone people just have bad luck. I wish you didn't have to go through this.

在许多市场,可能只有一个销售者,这种情况被称为垄断。In sone markets there may be only one seller. Such a situation is called a monopoly.

一个比较曾根评级不同型号的会告诉你哪个模型更安静。A comparison of sone ratings of different models will tell you which model is quieter.

文章论述了走行部齿轮、轴承检测中尚需继续解决的问题。Secondly, it discussed sone problems to be resolved on the current bearing and gear detection.

最后,提出了具有快乐因素的愉快体育教学方法。Finally, the teaching method of happy-sport is put forward by the authors, which contains sone joyful factors.

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此外,还就文化角度,谈谈词的深层义与文化的关系。Additionally, this paper talks sone mutual relation relation between deep meaning and culture from the view of culture point.

采取有弧度的圆形镶块,以对接接头的形式堵补部分管孔,将其移位到管道上的合适位置。The round plates with arc shaped butt-welded joints were used for stopping sone tube holes which were moved away to another proper positions in the pipes.

对当前香波中使用的祛屑剂、防脱剂的类别,特别是对一些具有祛屑、防脱应用价值的天然植物作了介绍。The kinds of antidandruff and antidepilation agents and especially sone natural plants which have potential applied values in shampoos were introduced in this paper.

在一些国外的民事审判程序中,有的过多偏重于当事人一方权利的保护,也有的过多偏重于法官职权的实现。In the civil proceedings overseas, sone of then lay particular stress on protection of the parties' right, while others emphasize more on realizing the judges' right.

本文提出了绝缘材料对模块绝缘电压产生影响的试验方案,分析、讨论了试验结果,得出了一些重要结论。This paper proposes a test plan that isolation material affects modul isolation voltage and analyzes the test results. In this paper sone important conclusions are inferred.

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分析了目前我国安全工程学科建设和专业建设中存在的问题,提出了我国安全工程学科建设和专业建设的一些设想和看法。The problems of subject and speciality construction existed in the domain of the safety engineering are analysed. Sone ideas of subject and speciality construction are given out.

本文深入研究了GIF格式彩色图象的编码算法,在此基础上,设计并实现了GIF图象的解码算法和显示。此外,还分析了除GIF外的其他几种常见图象编码格式。This paper investigates encode algorithm of image with GIF format. A program is implemented is decode and display GIF image. This paper also analysed sone generally used image format.