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你有过心脏杂音吗?Have you ever had a murmur?

低语声提高为吼叫声。The murmur swelled into a roar.

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我喃喃细语,只愿你能听见。I wish you could hear the murmur.

从她的唇间发出痛苦的喃喃低语。A murmur of pain broke from her lips.

潺潺溪水欢唱着流过我们的身边。The murmur of the spring harps by us.

凄然地低语那爱的消逝。Murmur , a little sadly, how love fled.

我能听见远处小溪的潺潺流水声。I could hear the murmur of a distant brook.

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肚子为什么会咕噜咕噜的叫?Why does abdomen meet what murmur murmurs cry?

他们开始对新征的税发牢骚。They are beginning to murmur against new taxes.

小河的潺潺声变成了响亮的淙淙声。The tiny murmur of the brook became a loud brawl.

他们的心脏都有杂音,七位患者血中白血球上升。All had cardiac murmur and seven had leukocytosis.

浅溪哗哗淌,深水静静流。Shallow brooks murmur most, deep silent slide away.

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听诊右肺呼吸音弱。The auscultation right lung respiratory murmur is weak.

在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.

人群里传遍了满意和赞许的低语声。An approving murmur of satisfaction ran through the crowd.

通常患犬没有明显症状,仅有心脏杂音。There usually are no signs in dogs except for a heart murmur.

听到希斯特发出低低的埋怨声,他终于开火了。A low murmur from Hest produced a sudden impulse, and he fired.

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一些水手开始低声说这带来了噩运。Some of the sailors began to murmur about it bringing bad luck.

她和那男人之间的喃喃细语,他和她快乐的笑声,都令他窒息。Her murmur with the man and her happy laugh almost suffocated him.

典型体征为心尖区闻及喀喇音和收缩期杂音。The typical sign was audible click and systolic murmur in cardiac apex.