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落领不齐。Misaligned collar setting.

裤头扣钮后前面不对称。Waistband misaligned at front when buttoned.

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脊柱姿势不正将额外的压力放到你的颌关节。A misaligned spine puts extra stress on your jaw joints.

碳刷似乎未对准,请再检查一下。The carbon brush sees to be misaligned. Please check it again.

慧差是由于光学不同轴引起的,因此好好的较准可以对其进行修正。COMA is caused by misaligned optics, and good collimation will cure it.

这个信息表示进纸到打印机中时,介质的边缘不直。Sheet misaligned. Lift lever to align with blue line or to remove media.

由于不正常的雾化,或燃油喷射的不对中而引起燃烧的缓慢。B. Slow combustion in cylinder, owing to incorrect atomization, or misaligned fuel jets.

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是指在热处理之前,圆锥滚动体大端凹处的缺陷,这是由于冲压大端时的跑偏造成的。Green roller defect of the large end recess caused by punch and head operations being misaligned.

例如,不够充足的焊料,元器件对准不佳、遗漏旁路电容和电源针开路。Examples are insufficient solder, a misaligned component, a missing bypass capacitor and an open power pin.

计算了轴受载变形导致轴颈倾斜情况下,轴承的油膜压力、端泄流量和轴颈摩擦因数等。The film pressure, end leakage flow-rate and frictional coefficient of misaligned journal bearing were calculated.

一个好的开始是重回机构的重建来解决央行偏离重点的激励。A good starting-point is to go back to the mechanisms designed to solve the misaligned incentives of central banks.

他接着说,坚持偏离的汇率“对自由贸易原则造成真正的问题。”He then went on argue that persistently misaligned exchange rates create “genuine problems for free-trade apologetics.

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我手上的一个样本的铝带没有安装对齐,但不影响什么所以我假定它没有接触到磁体上。One of my test samples had a misaligned ribbon, but it did not affect things so I assume it was not touching the magnets.

他接着论述长期扭曲的汇率给“自由贸易的辩护者带来真正的难题。”He then went on to argue that persistently misaligned exchange rates create "genuine problems for free-trade apologetics."

元器件也有可能出现缺陷,如有缺陷的元器件、元器件标值错误和对准失误。A component also is an opportunity for defects such as defective component, wrong value component and misaligned component.

不久前他曾在拉扬手下谋过事,但在汇率失调和资本流动逆转方面他还算不上是行家里手。He has recently worked under Mr Rajan, he is no particular authority on misaligned exchange rates or capital-flow reversals.

不久前他曾在拉扬手下谋过事,但在汇率失调和资本流动逆转他还算不上是行家里手。He has recently worked under Mr Rajan, but he is no particular authority on misaligned exchange rates or capital-flow reversals.

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不久前他曾在拉扬手下谋过事,但在汇率失调和资本流动逆转方面他还算不上是行家里手。He has recently worked under Mr Rajan, but he is no particular authority on misaligned exchange rates or capital-flow reversals.

我发现有三种比较常见的模式,容易让人受不了——技术债、填的太满的管道、有问题的奖励制度。Three common patterns that I see driving exceptions are technical debt, overstuffing the pipe, and misaligned reward structures.

但是,当这个工作通向的目标和学生真正的兴趣不相符时,他们就会出现对工作的恼恨。But when the hard work is motivated by a goal that’s misaligned with their real interests, students can develop resentment toward the work.