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情感包含了情绪与情意。Human affectivity includes emotions and feelings.

最后通过实验验证了方法的有效性。In the end, the affectivity of the method is tested by an experiment.

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而如今团队以及员工情绪的影响已成为不可忽略的一部分。Now the group and the affectivity of employees has become a part can not be ignored.

经济决策评价是住宅建筑维修改造项目决策的核心内容。The economic decision-making in the classical economics is based on emotion and affectivity.

仿真结果证明了该方法的正确性和有效性。Finally, the simulation results show the correctness and the affectivity of the proposed method.

管理上利用网络传输速度,具有实时性,有效性等优点。In the management, it uses the speed of network and has the virtues of real-time and affectivity.

这些指标均无法解释母亲负面情绪对儿童饮食的影响。None of them explained the effect that the mother's negative affectivity had on the child's diet.

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具有过多负面情绪的人常表现担心、无助与不安。People with a lot of negative affectivity often express worry and appear to be helpless and insecure.

采用模糊数学和BP神经网络结合的算法对此诊断模型进行求解,并对模型的有效性进行了分析。The algorithm adopting blurs mathematics and BP neural network is used, the affectivity of model is analyzed.

随着锂化合物阴离子表面电荷密度的增加,其对膨胀的抑制效果依次增强。The inhibiting affectivity on ASR expansion increases obviously with the surface charge density of lithium compound.

该技术可以帮助认识地层参数和压裂参数,提高压裂施工成功率和有效率。This tech can help for knowing formation and fracture parameters, raise fracture operation successful ratio and affectivity.

审美教育主要是一种情感教育,情感性是审美教育的显著特点。Aesthetic education is mainly about affectivity education, which is decided by the nature of aesthetic activities and aesthetic feelings.

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经由符号化的情感构形而生成的形式美蕴含了审美愉悦感,具有形象性与情感性的美感共性。The formal beauty is generated by the symbolic feeling configuration and implies the aesthetic pleasure with the image and the affectivity.

因为教学法考虑到了语言学习的感性特征而这种感性特征与其说是一种漫无目的选择倒不如说是一种自我评价意识的结果。They take the affectivity of learning into consideration and this affectivity is a result of self-evaluation rather than an aimless choice.

冷漠是指抱持否定的情绪与心情、感觉挫败感,及对自己与他人要求较高的倾向。Negative Affectivity ---The tendency to experience negative emotions and moods, to feel distressed. and to be critical at oneself and others.

人力资本出资的既符合公司法对出资标的的适格性要求,又体现法理学追求的利益、效率、正义等价值目标。Human capital contribution can not only suit the jequirity of the contribution objective, but also embodies the affectivity and justice of the law.

对影响因素的研究发现,员工的积极情感对工作满意度有正面影响,而消极情感没有发现对满意度产生影响。In regard to the determinants, the positive affectivity have significantly positive contribution to job satisfaction but negative affectivity doesn't.

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关系只是一个方向,反射着你们信仰系统的情感,反馈你们哪些状态在运作,哪些没有。Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not.

具有较多负面情绪的男性常表现出焦虑或者愤怒,但是另一方面,性别间的性格是一致的。Men with a lot of negative affectivity often express this in the form of anxiety or anger, but otherwise the characteristics are identical between the sexes.

色彩是沉默无言的,然而却能透过人的眼睛在人的心里沉淀为一种心境,色彩带给人的情感作用是不容忽视的。The color is wordless, but it can deposit a mood in one's heart through permeating the eyes. The color can arouse the affectivity , which can not be ignored.