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你是个骗子。―你是另一个。You're a humbug. ―You're another.

我把约翰爵爷称作说鬼话的骗子。I called lord john a lying humbug.

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我要揭露这一切骗人的鬼话。I am going to expose all this humbug.

这些当然只是人们的幽默和子虚乌有。This is all humbug and good humor, of course.

想打一个欺骗兽就跟想跟他们说话一样是白费力气。Trying to hit a humbug was a waste of effort.

那个骗子被判了三年徒刑。Thee humbug was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks.

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家庭其实在很多方面都是一个骗局。The family is in that, as in so many other respects, a humbug.

否认这是一种动机,而且是一种强烈的动机,是睁眼说瞎话。It is humbug to pretend that this is not a motive, and a strong one.

不承认这是动机,是一种强烈的动机,完全是自欺欺人。It is humbug to pretend that this is not a motive, and a strong one...

全都是些部长们常说的骗人鬼话和少不了的奉承恭维。There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.

这种论调,看似科学,实为荒谬,它使洗耳恭听的一代人为之付出昂贵的代价。It was a piece of scientific humbug that cost the age which listened to it dear.

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各种虚假的学术、愚蠢的理论和社会上的欺骗被礼貌和有效地拒于门外。All forms of pose , sham, learned nonsense, academic stupidity and social humbug are politely but effectively shown the door.

远东遥远的童话下降恶棍下瞒骗法术,他们有决心毁掉每一个假日,怪物史莱克和他的朋友。Far Far Away's Fairy Tale Villains have fallen under a Humbug Spell, and they are determined to ruin every single holiday for Shrek and his friends.

在狄更斯写作的年代,还是一桩有点非专业的行当,可现在已经变成一种系统的、甚至工业化的工艺程序。In particular, the production of humbug — which was still a somewhat amateurish craft when Dickens wrote — has now become a systematic, even industrial, process.

于是谎言制造工厂里的政客和研究员们——我是指智囊团们——迅速咬住这个增长数字,用来证明政府公务员岗位果真大幅上涨。And both politicians and researchers at humbug factories — I mean, conservative think tanks — quickly seized on this bulge as evidence of an exploding public sector.