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越老越聪明。Older and wiser.

随着年令的增长,人变得更聪明。A man grows wiser with age.

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我是个易耗品,但我在这游戏里也学精了。But I got wiser in the game.

我们随着年龄的增长而变得聪明起来。We get wiser as we get older.

他比你年长,也比你更睿智。He is older and wiser than you.

他年纪愈大变得愈有智能。He became wiser as he grew older.

不,乌龟的智慧其实我都不能理解。No. Oogway was wiser than us all.

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你会从经验中逐渐变得聪明起来。You will grow wiser by experience.

我还没傻到相信他的地步。I’m wiser than to believe him.

离婚让他吃一堑,长一智。The divorce left him a sadder but a wiser man.

每一步都是必要的,我们因而变得更明智。Every stage is necessary so we can become wiser.

幸福来自于每天增长的智慧和才思。It come from growing smarter and wiser every day.

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我不至于可笑到相信你所谓的金钱万能的说法。I am wiser than to believe what you call money talks.

要是那样的话,一些比较聪明的人,就会去找柏立克医生了。In that case the wiser people would employ Dr. Blick.

它们并不比一只蟋蟀唧唧的叫声更加高明。They were probably no wiser than a cricket's chirrup.

那份工作是一个学习的机会,而且现在我认为自己已经学聪明了。That job was a learning experience and I think I'm wiser now.

我认为有头脑的人将领悟到她赢不了﹐这些聪明人将压倒主战派。I think wiser heads will prevail and realize she cannot do it.

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那么让我们倒下,然后再站立起来——更强壮、更智慧。So let’s fall down, and then stand back up, stronger and wiser.

能够平抚自己的情绪,比能够提笔写书更有智慧。He that can compose himself is wiser than he that composes books.

如果我们只拿一小块蛋糕,母亲是不会知道的。If we take only one piece of cake, mother will be none the wiser.