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然而,宁静并未持续很久。This serenity doesn't last long.

因杜拉因散发着宁静的气质。She smiles often and emanates serenity.

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你是否也感受到了一种安宁和静谧?Do you feel a sense of calm and serenity?

炸弹的爆炸声打破了四周的宁静。The explosion of bombs rent the serenity.

天空给了大部分人空间、和平和宁谧。The sky gives space and peace and serenity.

最让她恼怒的是他们的平静。It was their serenity which galled her most.

但天然居最大的优点是宁静。But Naked Retreats' best feature is serenity.

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他对科佩尔说他想安宁地死去。He told Koppel he wanted to die with serenity.

宁静的环境,工作休闲两相宜。Combine work and relaxation in complete serenity.

只在我头上灌住宁静的蜜露。On my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity.

平静是生活在平安里,在平安中发言。Serenity is living in peace and speaking in peace.

现在的画家就失去了这种宁静。The painters of today are deprived of such serenity.

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在他看来,她的平静反衬出了他的放纵。He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance.

这就是我的在贝壳中寻找到幸福与安宁的奇异之旅。This is how I found happiness and serenity with seashells.

他说,我们都热爱我们的国家,他还恳请支持者保持平静。We all love our country, he said, and appealed for serenity.

学会这一条技巧你会更加开朗豁达。You will find much more serenity in life following this tip.

特纳太湖隔夜片,全面覆盖,30数封装。Tena Serenity Overnight Pads, Full Coverage, 30-Count Package.

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水、树和光线使空间充满宁静的气氛。Water, tree and light, fill the space with an aura of serenity.

我们也经常将它与沉着和宁静联系起来。It is also the colour we often associate with calm and serenity.

因此,神的全副武装,包括正直、纯净与平安。So, the full armor of God includes integrity, purity and serenity.