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他忠实地爱着她。He loves her faithfully.

他对党无限忠诚。He is loyal to the Party faithfully.

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我们忠实地履行了职责。We discharged our duties faithfully.

他忠实地实践了他的诺言。He faithfully lived up to his promise.

我答应过6点钟一准回家的。I promised faithfully to be home at six.

司布真看到这点,他忠心地服从。Spurgeon saw this and faithfully obeyed.

华丰期待与您真诚的合作!Huafeng wishes to cooperate faithfully with you!

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欢迎您的垂顾,我们将竭诚为您服务!You are welcome to, we will serve you faithfully !

我发誓我将忠于我的职守和我的祖国。I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.

它的历史遗迹都忠实地保存了下来。The historic monuments have been faithfully preserved.

我们决定让这出滑稽戏继续演下去。I stayed faithfully by him until his comedy was finished.

你有否尽忠职守,全心全意地把工作做好?Are you doing it faithfully and in the best possible away?

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我发誓我将忠于我的职守和我的祖国。I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.

我们必定竭诚努力,不负所托。We will faithfully spare no effort, meet all your expectations.

我发誓我将忠于我的职守和我的祖国。I I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.

公平地说,双关语通常不可能被忠实地翻译出来。Puns, to be fair, are usually impossible to translate faithfully.

中国将一如既往,忠实履行自己的NPT义务。As ever, China will faithfully fulfil its obligations under the NPT.

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贝根是被她终生信任而汲取的清泉所毒害。Begum was poisoned by the beautiful water she had faithfully pumped.

弗林的第十四和第十五洞,必须忠实地恢复。Flynn's fourteenth and fifteenth holes need to be faithfully restored.

我们会尽我们所能,忠实地如实回答你们的问题。We will do our best to answer your questions faithfully and factually.