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于是,有人拍手叫好,有人恨之入骨。Then, somebody clap applauds , somebody hate sb's guts.

所有的观众对他们的精彩演出拍手叫好。All the audience applaud to their excellent performance.

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我们为自己的队踢进一球拍手叫好。We applauded and cheered for a goal scored by our own team.

出于所有这些原因,盖茨应该为他的坦率拍手叫好。For all those reasons, Gates should be applauded for his candor.

冰儿含羞答允,马小虎狂喜大叫,众少年也拍手叫好。Ice consents the shrine, MaXiaoHu ecstasy shout loudly, the young also clap.

当家长们为这种举措而拍手叫好的时候,一些学生则显得缺乏热情。While many parents are applauding the move, some students are less enthusiastic.

专家们为脑力激荡和创意产生机制的威力拍手叫好。Experts have celebrated the power of brainstorming and idea-generation techniques.

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大伙儿自发地开始拍手叫好,一会儿平台上就响彻了掌声。Spontaneously they began to clap and presently the platform was loud with applause.

但在眼下,我让她们把颜色涂到线格外,而且我还要为她们这样做拍手叫好。But for now, I’ll let them color outside the lines—better yet, I’ll cheer them on for it.

过了一会儿,风筝慢慢地飘了起来,飘到了蓝蓝的天空中,小鸡看见了,瞪大眼睛,高兴地拍手叫好。After a child, kite slowly float up and moved to the blue sky, the chicks saw, staring happily applauded.

完了之后,我嘴里咯咯笑着,问他是否喜欢这个故事,哈桑拍手叫好。After, I started to ask him if he'd liked the story, a giggle rising in my throat, when Hassan began to clap.

美国为极端分子在法律和秩序方面采取的立场拍手叫好,尽管他们关于妇女的观点愚蠢到了极点。The U. S. applauded the extremists' stand on law and order, despite their knuckle-dragging views on women's rights.

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打一开始你们就对婚姻拍手叫好,把配偶创造出来生活在一起多么有趣,彼此生活在一起多么令人满意啊。To create a couple who are so funny together, so right for each other, that you’re rooting for the marriage from the very first frame.

人们并不对这些变化拍手叫好,他们只是接受。"People aren't embracing these changes, but they are accepting them," said Rich Morin, a senior editor at the Pew Center and author of the report.

我自信地交上了堪比博士水平、甚至有望获奖的论文,满心以为教授会像我一样为它拍手叫好。I confidently handed in my doctoral-level, award-winning work, absolutely convinced my professor would be as thoroughly impressed with it as I was!

群众好长时间看不上老戏了,今天见汽车上有人穿着老戏的红官衣,歪戴着官帽子,帽翅还一闪一闪,不同地笑开了,有的人还拍手叫好。The long time does not look old play, see someone wearing the old play red official car today, askew, hat, cap wing also flashed, different to giggle, some people applauded.

听证会上有人听到法官的宣判后禁不住拍手叫好,但有些人事后也说此刑罚虽解一时之快,但无法弥补他们的损失。Some of the defrauded investors cheered and clapped in court when the judge handed down the sentence, but a few said later the punishment could not bring back what they lost.

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我曾经与马竞征战冠军杯做客到安菲尔德,但是很明显我是对手,你真的对球迷永远站在你这边,高唱你的名字和信仰这个传统拍手叫好。I'd been here with Atletico in the Champions League, but obviously I was on the opposition. You really appreciate this tradition when you know the fans are on your side and singing on your behalf.