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她总是问傻里傻气的问题。He is always asking silly questions.

别傻里傻气了,吉姆,唔,我想大概喜欢吧。Ask me another, Jim. Well, I suppose so.

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他站在那里盯着她看,显得傻里傻气。He looks stupid standing there gazing at her.

这听起来有点傻里傻气,但这是她能够感激的最好借口。It sounded silly, but it was the best she could do.

因为前一天晚上我有点傻里傻气。Because I had behaved stupidly the previous evening.

他整天坐在那儿傻里傻气张着大嘴看电视!He just sits there gawping at the television all day!

你这一天净用这样傻里傻气的问题来折腾我!You've been plaguing me with such silly questions all day!

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既然你能把门砸开,干吗要傻里傻气地摆弄锁呢?Why fool around with a lock when you can smash the door down?

终于来了,一群傻里傻气的志愿者。At last, a group of people naively offer themselves for the job.

我可不愿意看到你独个儿这么傻里傻气的站在这。I hate to see you standing about by youself in this stupid manner.

我不愿看到你独个儿这么傻里傻气地站在这儿。I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner.

迪克面色苍白,傻里傻气地向着那个方向注视。Dick looked rather pale and foolish when he glanced at the direction.

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那个傻里傻气的年轻人在胡扯他一无所知的问题。The silly young man was prating about a subject of which he knew nothing.

56岁的艾金森说,他觉得自己年龄太大,难以继续扮演这个傻里傻气的角色了。Atkinson, 56, says he believes he is too old to play the bumbling character.

他尽用些傻里傻气的问题来烦我,故此我叫他滚开。He kept on bothering me with silly questions that I told him to go fly a kite.

还有人则预言它不会受欢迎,因为它令用户显得傻里傻气。Another predicted that the device will fail to catch on because it makes users "look silly".

当你看到小丑,你会想到什麽呢?许多人会想到笑声与傻里傻气的举动。When you see clowns, what do you think of? Most people think of laughter and silly behavior.

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我从来没有看见过她脸这样红,笑这样神秘,我觉得这很不体面,傻里傻气的,很怪。I had never seen a person titter and blush before, and to me it seemed unbecoming and idiotic.

我想要一个男孩比谁更傻里傻气的浪漫,但知道正确的事情说在正确的时间。I want a boy who is more goofy than romantic, but knows the right things to say at the right times.

有的科技评论家当时曾讥讽这款巨型手机“傻里傻气”、“专为巨人设计”。Some tech reviewers at the time derided the big phone as 'silly, ' and 'a phone designed for giants.