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最后吞完所剩钡餐。Finish the rest of the barium meal.

确诊要靠钡餐和气管造影。Diagnosis can usually be made by barium swallow and tracheogram.

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钡餐及胃镜检查加粘膜活检对诊断有意义。Barium meal and gastroscopic mucosal biopsy are value for diagnosis.

钡餐检查随访发现17人是正常的,而3人则为结肠结节。Barium follow-through was normal in 17 patients and showed ileal nodularity in three.

最近感觉肠胃不适,他决定去做一次钡餐。Having problems with his digestive system recently, he decides to take a barium meal.

结论卧位钡餐透视是诊断食管裂孔疝的最佳方法。Conclusions Barium contrast study seems to be the best method in diagnosing hiatus hernia.

钡餐检查或CT扫描中可发现有价值的腹内疝征象,但极少有此报道。Features of internal hernia on a barium meal study and CT scan are available, but reports are very scanty.

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CT在显示胃癌病灶及周围器官侵润的和远处转移等优于纤维胃镜和上消化道钡餐检查。CT is better than GI and Fibrogastrosco- pyin detecting the lesion, neighbor organ invasion and metastasis.

病变长度从大到小顺序依次为CT、手术标本、X线钡餐和固定后标本。Lesion lengths are from top to bottom CT, intraoperative specimen, X-ray barium meal and formalin-fixed specimen.

经CT与胃肠钡餐检查相对照并经手术及病理证实的胃平滑肌肉瘤48例,分析其CT与胃肠钡餐检查征象。CT and barium meal findings of 48 cases with gastric leiomyosarcoma proved by surgery and pathology were analysed.

同时作者还强调本病青年女性多见,胃肠钡餐检查对鉴别胃源性肿块也很重要。The important of barium meal examination of gastrointestinal for differentiation of stomach tumor were emphasized.

其中17例行小肠钡餐造影,12例行肠系膜上动脉造影。Among them, 17 cases underwent small intestinal barium meal examination and 12 cases underwent superior mesenteric arteriogram.

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本文总结了经CT与胃肠钡餐检查相对照并经手术及病理证实的小肠平滑肌肉瘤18例,分析其CT与胃肠钡餐检查征象。The findings of CT and barium meal in 18 cases with small intestine leiomyosarcoma proved by surgery and pathology were analysed.

对原因不明的复发性腹痛患者,应做钡餐检查,必要时腹腔镜检查是一种较好的方法。To the patients with obscure recurrent abdominalgia, barium meal examination should be done, laparoscopy is a better method in necessary.

线钡餐检查可显示食管有圆形、卵圆形或分叶状的充盈缺损,边缘整齐,周围粘膜纹正常。X-ray barium meal examination showed esophageal have round, oval or lobulated filling defect, edge neatly around the normal mucosal pattern.

立位,仰卧和俯卧三种钡餐主要体位对显示胃小溃疡的机会相近。Three main postures consisting of erect, supine and prone were adopted separately, and their efficiency are similar in evaluating the small ulcers.

食管钡餐检查可见食管下端呈光滑的漏斗型狭窄,应用解痉剂时可使之扩张。Esophageal barium meal examination showed visible esophageal smooth funnel-shaped narrow the application of spasmolytic agents will enable the expansion.

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除纵隔肿瘤侵入食管外,X线钡餐检查可显示食管有光滑的压迹,粘膜纹正常。In addition to invasive esophageal mediastinal tumor outside, X-ray barium meal examination showed esophageal pressure has smooth tracks, the normal mucosal pattern.

方法回顾性分析25例行消化道钡餐检查并经手术病理证实的食管多原发癌的X线表现,总结其X线诊断价值。Methods The X-ray signs of 25 cases esophageal multiple primary carcinoma proved by pathology were analyzed retrospectively to summarize the X-ray diagnostic values.

用于医药,可作为肠胃照影的钡餐原料,还可用于膏药和剂药的填料,增加药品的保质期。For medicine, can be used as imaging gastrointestinal barium meal of raw materials, can also be used for plaster and the fill dose, increasing the shelf life of drugs.