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“常识媒体”创始人兼总主编丽兹·佩尔说,“免费下载歌曲,叫偷?Downloading a song for free.

她曾主编过妇女杂志。She used to edit a woman's magazine.

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李先生是这本书的主编。Mr. Lee is a chief editor of this book.

主编来了,我们开始开会。The chief-editor arriving, we began the meeting.

主编来主编来了,我们开始开会。The chief-editor arriving, we began the meeting.

这本书是由他担任主编出版的。The book was issued under his general editorship.

最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并批准发表了。Last of all, the chief editor read it and approved it.

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主编决定取消广告版。The chief editor decided to kill the advertising pages.

我全面报道了这一切,然后将稿子传真给主编。I reported it all in my story and faxed it back to my editor.

Saag博士也是2008年风湿病药物指南的主编。Saag also was the lead author of the 2008 RA-drug guidelines.

主编的评论,通常受到高度的尊重。The editor-in-chief's comments are normally highly respected.

主编王烁也表示,他即将离开这家杂志。Managing editor Wang Shuo also said he was leaving the magazine.

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他主编或参与合编了8本关于健康政策研究的书籍。He has edited or co-edited eight books on health policy research.

范图恩全球最大体育电视网主办和主编了汽车潮流这本杂志。Van Tune ESPN TV host and Editor-in-Chief of Motor Trend Magazine.

有啊。去年,我是耶鲁文学杂志的主编,Yeah. Last year, I was editor-in-chief of the Yale literary magazine,

爱丽森•康妮克兹尼是BBC英语教学部中国组的主编。Alison Konieczny is the Editor of the BBC Learning English China team.

物理化学解题指南,李文斌主编,天津大学出版社。Physical Chemistry. 5th ed. , P. W. Atkins. , Oxford University Press.

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副总编斯坦‧维西瑙斯基将出任代理主编。Assistant Managing Editor Stan Wischnowski will serve as acting editor.

你能给我们描述一下你担任主编时成功完成的一个项目吗?Could you describe one of your successful projects when you were a chief?

主编在期刊的发展中起着重要的作用。Editors-in-chief play a significant role in the development of periodicals.