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他将一步登天。He will go straight to heaven.

要成功不好谂住一步登天。Don't dream of reaching success by one step.

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保持冷静切忌一步登天也非常重要。It’s important to keep your cool and don’t push yourself too far.

路是一步一步的走出来的,你不需要一步登天,只需要不断的坚持。Road, step by step to walk out, you don't need to, only need to adhere to.

在学习上不可能一步登天,要知道“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒”。One can not have a skyrocketing rise in study, just like Rome was not built in a day.

第二天上午我们游览了杨家界的一步登天,空中走廊,乌龙寨,天波府。The next morning we toured the's sweeping, air corridors, Oolong Walled, Tianbo House.

你不能一步登天,有时你甚至会倒退,但不要让这些成为你的障碍。It won't come instantly, and you may backslide from time to time, but don't let that deter you.

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不要眼高手低,妄想一步登天,眼前做不到的事就不要妄图本分,不管是名誉,财产,还是女人。Don't have to do a delusion, eyes would not matter to duty, regardless of fame, fortune, or a woman.

我不可能一步登天,但是我可以一步一个脚印永不放弃。I can not reach the sky in a single bound, but I can make every step leaves its print and never give up.

世人都在争名夺利,一夜暴富者有之,一步登天者恒有之。Everybody in the fame and fortune, who had the fortune overnight, ask for the moon are constant with them.

没有做小事打下牢固基础,大事业难以一步登天。Not to do things to lay a solid foundation, great cause difficult to attain the highest level in one step.

那些渴望一步登天的人往往高估眼前的利益而放弃其他追求。These overly eager individuals tend to overestimate the benefits and make others develop false expectations.

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突然积聚的财富让陈天桥有一步登天、失去重心的感觉。Suddenly accumulative fortune lets Chen Tianqiao have the have a skyrocketing rise, feeling that loses heart.

一步登天,以图达到和超过它计划从您业务初期规划。Expect success, plan to achieve it and plan to exceed it right from the early stages of your business planning.

我阅读原文书,研究原始码,撰写程序,自认为走得扎实,不奢望一步登天。I read the book, study the source code, written procedures, since that too solid, and not expect a sudden jump.

这正是我的缺点,我毫无主见的来到这里,走捷径,让你能一步登天。It is my weakness, my ultimate lack of conviction that brings me here. Easy answers used to shortcut yourself to success.

因此,这些很像已故喜剧大师丹尼·凯的形象——专家学者有时反而会因忙于下结论而妄想一步登天。So it is that, like the late comedian Danny Kaye, professional scientists sometimes get their exercise by jumping to conclusions.

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这很困难,因为学习不能一步登天,而巨大的工作压力,还存在于学习的每一天。This is very difficult because there are no high ladders and pressures from day-to-day work you get very much in the way of learning.

然而,任何一个理智的人都应该明白在学习英语的过程中,没有神奇的方程式,没有神奇的文字,也没有神奇的书会使你的英语一步登天。However, any reasonable person can see that there is no majic formula, no majic words, and no majic book that will improve your English.

对大多数记者来说,当上白宫记者几近一步登天,而当时我只不过29岁,满是得意骄矜之气。For most reporters, being White House correspondent was as close to heaven as you could get. I was 29 years old and puffed up with pride.