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函件使用了看上去正式的世行信笺。Official-looking Bank letterhead was used.

用香墨写信也增添了另一些信笺元素。Scented ink added another element to the letter.

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多功能使用,配备插袋、50页信笺。Multifunctional, with sidekick and 50 pages of letter paper.

一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。you can offer to a company. Most companies require a cover letter

请阅读下面的信笺,以后的工作请仔细一些,以避免再次被投诉。Please see the email below, and please work carefully to avoid those complains.

现举例说明使用看上去正式的世行信笺和签名的诈骗案件。Here's an example of such a scam using official-looking Bank letterhead and signature.

告诉你吧,我会在尽情赏玩之后,把收到的信笺和卡片堆起来,堆成高塔。After I’ve looked at and enjoyed the cards and letters I receive, I put them in a stack.

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我是人力资源部的瑞茜儿。我需要两盒公司信笺,一盒圆珠笔和一盒信封。I need two boxes of company letterhead, one box of ball-point pens, and a box of envelopes.

咱们只管即便分歧纰缪消费者做无谓之举,如使用花式信笺等。We try not to spend money on things that don't matter to customers, e. g. , fancy letterhead.

阿诺德夫人寄出这封信几周之后,就收到了奥巴马先生亲笔回复的信笺。A few weeks after she mailed the letter, Mrs. Arnold received a handwritten note from Mr. Obama.

写一些除了你自己,信笺和失去灵魂外没有别人能看到的信。Write letters that no one else will see, except for you, the page, and the spirit of who you lost.

烟台善庆堂水养生食品有限公司信笺!Yantai celebrates the hall water keeping in good health food Limited company letter paper friendly!

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信只有一张黄色信笺,用打字机每隔两行打的,还附了一份折好的戏剧报上的一页。It was a single typed yellow sheet, triple-spaced, with a folded page from a theatrical trade paper.

挑选漂亮的信笺信封和昂贵的钢笔。一支旧式的自来水笔用起来会很舒服。Pick out nice, heavy-stock stationery and a pricey pen. An old-fashioned fountain pen is a classy touch.

问得好!告诉你吧,我会在尽情赏玩之后,把收到的信笺和卡片堆起来,堆成高塔。Yes, good question! After I've looked at and enjoyed the cards and letters I receive, I put them in a stack.

而伯林信笺的读者将在纸上发现同样翻滚奔流的恶念、智趣与人性洞察力。Readers of Berlin's letters will find that same bubbling flow of malice, wit and human insight on the written page.

信的隽秀笔迹出自女性之手,在淡蓝色信笺的左侧角落有一朵小花。It was written in a beautiful feminine handwriting, on powder-blue stationery with a little flower in the left-hand corner.

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他与江绍原的有关来往信笺,反映了他们之间纯真的学术情谊。The letters between Jiang Shaoyuan and him reflected their pure sentiments developed in the course of their academic pursuit.

我是人力资源部的瑞茜儿。我需要两盒公司信笺,一盒圆珠笔和一盒信封。This is Rachel in Human Resources. I need two boxes of company letterhead, one box of ball-point pens, and a box of envelopes.

也将接受使用公认的新闻媒体组织印有抬头的信笺并经编辑签署的正式委任书。An official letter of designation on the letter-head of a recognized media organization signed by an editor will also be accepted.