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可以买卖,出售,拆借,租赁,对换,套期。They can be bought, sold, borrowed, lent, swapped and hedged.

违反规定同业拆借的。Making inter-bank borrowing or lending in violation of regulations"."

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央行新闻发布会召开之后欧洲银行间拆借利率下跌。European Inter-bank lending rates fell after the ECB's press conference.

拆借交易表现仍然不活跃,与回购交易形成明显的反差。In contrast with repo, the interbank funding still performed inactively.

利息按亚洲开发银行以伦敦同业银行间拆借利率计算。Interest is determined in accordance with ADB's LIBOR-based lending facility.

从隔夜拆借利率到三月远期利率这段区间内,利率期限结构没有上扬So, you can see the term structure doesn't go up between overnight and three months.

同业拆借利率已经下调和稳定,但银行尚未放款。Interbank lending rates have come down and stabilized, but banks are not yet lending.

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票据交易所是解决持有人和签发人的交易以及利润或损失的拆借。A clearinghouse settles trades between holders and writers and credits profits or losses.

即使在2007年8月银行同业拆借市场受到冲击时,宏观经济学家仍然低估了这一事件所预示的危险。Even after the seizure in interbank markets in August 2007, macroeconomists misread the danger.

以往,美联储只是提高银行隔夜拆借的联邦基金目标利率,进而影响到其他利率。In the past, it simply raised its target for the federal-funds rate on banks' overnight borrowing.

全球股票价格开始反弹,冻结的同业拆借市场开始解冻。Share prices rebounded around the world and frozen interbank lending markets showed some signs of thawing.

本文研究了我国大额支付系统中银行间支付流与银行间同业拆借利率之间的关系。The paper explores the relationship between interbank payment flows in China's Large Value Payment System and SHIBOR.

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在为流动性操作融资方面,回购比基于Shibor的同业拆借更占优势,前者约为后者的2.5倍。In terms of funding the liquid operations, repo dominates the Shibor based interbank borrowing by a ratio of 2.5 to 1.

但随着全球股市陷入熊市,以及银行间拆借市场几近冻结,主权财富基金收购急剧减少.However, the purchases fell sharply as global equities stumbled into a bear market and bank-to-bank lending totally froze.

交易员甲和税务员也在关于日元拆借交易方面的贸易利息上进行交易。Trader A and the RBS IRD trader also entered into transactions that aligned their trading interests in regards to Yen LIBOR.

我国自1996年以来,先后放开了银行间拆借利率、银行间债券回购市场利率和现券交易利率。Since 1996, China has been freeing controls on interbank rate, repurchase rate in China's interbank bond market and bond market rate.

它们对于批发融资的依赖度也较低。批发融资即通过所谓的银行间拆借市场从其他放贷机构借贷。And they are less dependent on wholesale funding -- that is, borrowing from other lenders through what is called the interbank market.

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本文用极大拟似然估计法估计了中国银行间市场七天拆借利率扩散模型的参数。Maximum pseudo-Likelihood method is used to estimate the coefficient functions in the diffusion of Single-Factor Interest Rate Models.

确切地说,如果市场稳定下来,且银行间拆借市场的流动性获得改善,加拿大央行或许会暂停行动.To be sure, if markets settle down and interbank money starts moving more fluidly, Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney may take pause.

这个计划对于解决现在接近系统崩盘的货币市场和银行间拆借市场面对的严重压力毫无作用。And the plan does nothing to resolve the severe stress in money markets and interbank markets that are now close to a systemic meltdown.