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1949年中国人民终于当家做主了。Chinese finally wear the pants in 1949.

当她丈夫不在时,她当家做主。When her husband was out she wore the trousers.

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人们一般觉得男人应该当家做主。People always have the idea that men should wear the pants.

敏捷从本质上鼓励大家采用“当家做主”的任务分配方式、技术和团队。Autonomy of task, technique and team are inherently encouraged by Agile.

拥有自己的企业,诱人处之一是自己当家做主。Being your own boss is one of the attractions of owning your own business.

关键在于为他们提供足够当家做主的权利、提倡精益求精,并制定远大目标。The key lies in giving the right amount of autonomy, promoting mastery and defining a purpose.

他宣布,民主国家的定义是人民当家做主!He declared that democratic country is the definition that people are the masters of the country.

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60年前,中国人民经过长期艰苦奋斗实现了民族独立、人民解放,建立起人民当家做主的新中国。Sixty years ago, the Chinese people won independence and liberation after a prolonged hard struggle and became masters of the New China.

无产阶级革命就其本质来说,就是要建立人民当家做主、生活富裕有保障的新制度。The essence of proletariat revolution is to found a new society, in which the people are master and the people have secure and rich life.

也许等中国环境真的有所改善的时候,中国人民才能真正的“当家做主”,而现在,还差得很远。When the Chinese environment improves, we are likely to see the true leadership of public opinions in China. But now, we still have a long way to go.

主席的信念就是劳动人民当家做主,十六年的「自上而下」解决不了这个根本问题,为此主席「自下而上」,发动劳动群众自己解放自己。Chairman faith is working people of the masters, sixteen years "top-down" can't solve the fundamental problem, for this President "bottom-up", launch laboring people redeem himself.

在当今中国,民主就是指人民在享有各种权利和自由的同时,还通过人大制度决定国家大事,行使自己当家做主的国家权利。Democracy refers to that its citizens have all kinds of rights and freedom and the rights to decide the state affairs through People's Congress to share their own rights as masters of the country.

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坚持党的领导、人民当家做主和依法治国的有机结合,是政治文明建设的制度基础。Intrinsic connection of adhering to leadership of the party, the people being masters of the country and managing state affairs according to law is system basis of constructing political civilization.