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我的申请书被压了一个月。My application was sat on for a week.

我们的申请书今早被撤回来了。Our application is withdrawed this morning.

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申请书必须填写一式三份。Applications must be made out in triplicate.

我们此时正在审阅你们的申请书。We are currently reviewing your application.

我们此时正在审阅你们的申请书。We are at this moment reviewing your application.

请在申请书上注明你的职业。Please list your occupation on the application form.

邮寄的申请书须于12月12日以前寄达。Postal applications must be received by 12 December.

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邮寄的申请书须于12月12日以前寄达。Postal applications must is received by 12 December.

在一些学校,大部分学生递交了入党申请书。In some colleges most of them have put in applications.

我们收到很多很多要求入境签证的申请书。We are up to our knees with applications for entry visa.

她已经向几个职业介绍所提交了求职申请书。She filed an application with several employment agencies.

工作类型的移民签证的申请书审理流程会稍微快些。Processing of work-based immigration visas is slightly better.

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说到这,你的管理人员申请书交上去了吗?。Speaking of which, you hand in your application of management?

采用公司喜欢的方式把申请书寄给公司。Send companies your job application using the means they prefer.

今天在网上看到了史上最牛入党申请书。I saw the most powerful party membership application on Internet.

大学审核了他的申请书,认为他可以入学。The university passed on his application and found him acceptable.

将申请书缴回研究生教务组。Please submit this application form to the graduate studies office.

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请求调动的申请书转送到了人事部门。The requests for transfers were channeled through the personnel office.

申请书请附贴好邮票的回邮的信封。Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your application.

我们应尽快将申请书重新提交给经理。We should refer our application back to the manager as soon as possible.