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日没于汪洋之中。The sun dips into the ocean.

因为徬徨犹豫,我像汪洋中的一条船。Being indecisive and hesitating, I'm like a ship in the ocean.

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没有深水渠汪洋一片,没有大山阻高薄云天。Never a mountain rocky and steep, Never a river turbid and deep.

在茫茫然的汪洋,来回把持船的方向盘。In the vacant sea, back and forth dominates ship's steering wheel.

有所创造的人生是汪洋一片,没有创造的人生是死水一潭。Life with creating is a vase sea yet, without, a pond of dead water.

在汪洋中伸展蔓延,岛屿可以形成各种奇特画面。Sprawled out in the oceans, islands can paint many a strange picture.

汪洋,现年五十六岁,于2007年起一直担任中央政治局委员。Mr Wang, who is 56, has been a member of the ruling Politburo since 2007.

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他们在汪洋,深广无限的福乐大海中沐浴自己。They bathe themselves in the bottomless, shoreless sea of infinite beatitude.

因为他们的身体里正汪洋着恣肆的荷尔蒙、力比多这样的激素。That's because there are incretions flowing in their bodies such as Hormone and Libido.

钓客的船位于离陆地很远的汪洋上,他们在船上用又长又重的钓竿和绕线轴钓鱼。People fish from a large boat miles out in the ocean , using long , heavy rods and reels.

夏天,当杜鹃花开的时候,冰雪还没融化,花与雪的海洋汪洋无际。When the rhododendra blossoms in summer, the snow will be still there after the previous winter.

而他们必须独特,因为在千篇一律的汪洋之中,要想办法才能吸引人们的注意力。They have to be, because in a sea of sameness, they need to find ways to make people pay attention.

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我选择默然,是为了那树木、山、汪洋河流、大地、和空气,因为他们无法说出痛苦的感受。I chose to be silent for all the trees, mountains, river, land and air, that have no chance to make a sound.

我问你们,我们需要怎样的女性欢爽的汪洋,才能够不让伊底普斯的船只沉没下去?What ocean of feminine jouissance, I ask you, was necessary for the ship of Oedipus to float without sinking?

汪洋的前任,李长春和张德江,都在他们南下履职之后步步高升。Mr Wang's predecessors, Li Changchun and Zhang Dejiang, were both promoted after their southern tours of duty.

两个毫不相干的个体,要在漫天沙海漫眼汪洋中经过多少迂回才会碰撞在一起呢?How many detour the two irrelevant individuals need to bypass before this crossing happened between each other?

威胁、疑惧和拒绝的汪洋包围着人类那小然而永恒的岛屿,让他向未知挑战。The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man's little island of certainty challenges him to dare the unknown.

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威胁、疑惧和拒绝的汪洋包围着人类那小而永恒的岛屿,让他向未知挑战。The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man’s little island of certainty challenges him to dare the unknown.

你须要晓得怎样在数据的汪洋里劈波斩浪,怎样优化拉客上的散文,以及怎样揭穿那些说谎的统计数据。You need to know how to swim through the data deluge, optimize your prose for Twitter, and expose statistics that lie.

骆家辉在探访其祖籍地途中经停广州,与党委书记汪洋进行会谈。Mr. Locke had stopped in Guangzhou to talk to the party chief, Wang Yang, en route to a visit to his ancestral village.