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祝快乐满载而归!I wish happiness yourselves!

可以说是扫兴而来满载而归。Can be said to be disappointing from fruitful.

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是次伊州州长来沪同样满载而归。Is the governor of Illinois Shanghai also return fully loaded.

王骀从不说教,可是到他那学习的人却都是满载而归。Wang Tai never sermonize but his students learn a lot from him.

等待着一场战斗,等待着一次满载而归的出击。Waiting for a fight, waiting for a rewarding experience of the attack.

在远方,满载而归的穆斯林商队正在返回的路上。In the distance, rewarding experience of the Muslim caravan was way back.

我们已经提供给你更多的方式,让您的供餐台满载而归以及让您的朋友快乐!We've given you more ways to keep your counters full and your friends happy! ! !

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集休闲与商务一体的嘉兴之旅,相信会让你满载而归。Integrating business and leisure tours, we will ensure you a rewarding journey in Jiaxing.

你将有“无欲而来,满载而归”的的感受,满载的是祥和,宁静与喜悦。Then you can feel you came with empty heart but going back with great peace, calm and happy feelings.

我们在乡间摘了一天野花,装了一车的花我们满载而归。We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers. With the car full of flowers we were going home.

那些女人能拿着大把的钞票满载而归,而对于受奴役的利比亚女孩,他一个子儿都没给。Those women would leave with bags full of money, but he never gave any money to the Libyan girls he enslaved.

在一场晚间集会后,他们带着令人满意的民调支持率满载而归地返回指挥部。After a rally that evening, they returned to headquarters to load vans with supplies for the polling stations.

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14年后,他故地重游,在一艘名为“泰兴号”的沉船上又发现了不计其数的中国陶瓷器,满载而归。He returned to the area 14 years later and left with millions of Chinese ceramics from a sunken ship named Tek Sing.

如果你还在犹豫不决或者担心糟糕的结局,你会发现自己的同伴已经满载而归了。If you are still hesitate or afraid of the result being bad, you'll find that your fellows have returned with full fruits.

珍妮听了,心里好生难受,就要带她到玩具店里去,让她把新玩具满载而归。And Jennie, stricken to the heart, would take Vesta to the toy shop, and load her down with a new assortment of playthings.

我这穷教士,两手空空,跑到山里那些穷百姓家里去过了,现在又满载而归。Was I in the right? The poor priest went to his poor mountaineers with empty hands, and he returns from them with his hands full.

不少兴高采烈的渔夫们划着木船靠近鱼群,他们放弃了渔网和鱼竿,用水桶捞鱼,几乎不费吹灰之力便可满载而归。Delighted fishermen rushed out in wooden motor boats, abandoning their rods and nets and simply scooping the fish up with buckets.

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我衷心希望各国各地和各界朋友能够善用其利,满载而归。I sincerely hope that friends of trades from all quarters across the world could leverage this event and return home fully-loaded.

大自然的慷慨使这样的采摘活动总是满载而归,采集到的嫩蒲公英、野芥菜等等,可以用作沙拉的配料,还可与火腿、腌肉同烧。Later we gathered pecks of young dandelions, wild mustard and other greens for use in salads and to be cooked with ham or sowbelly.

宝押错了,结果这一小撮人像强盗一样满载而归,而受到重创的金融机构却要用纳税人的钱来解决困难。The gambles went wrong, but they made out like bandits, and now the institutions they wrecked are being bailed out with public money.