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太极拳更重视修身养性,心神安静。Practicing Quan is to calm your mind.

修身养性就是为摆脱睡眠而付出的努力。Moral reform is the effort to throw off sleep.

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值此世界卫生日,让我们行动起来,使我们的城市对所有人都是一个更宜于修身养性的地方。On this World Health Day, let us act to make our cities more nurturing for all.

可以修身养性,缓解暴戾的情绪,平和你的心态。Second, can be self-cultivation, to ease the violent emotions and calm your mind.

和谐是中国人修身养性的价值追求,也是人们处事的基本原则。Harmony is the value of Chinese self-cultivation and the basic principles of the people.

这样以石为友,修身养性,定会延年益寿,享尽人间乐趣。This stone to the friends, self-cultivation will prolong life, enjoy the fun in the world.

但是乘巴士长途旅行肯定比在修道院修身养性两个星期更有价值,时间会证明一切。But surely the bus represents better value than a two-week "rest" in The Priory. Time will tell.

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我感觉这次修身养性的田间散步马上就要毁在两军对垒的地产尖兵手里了。I sensed our peaceful walk in the country was about to be hijacked by warring property militias.

找到一种自己喜爱的活动培养一种爱好对修身养性十分重要。Find An Activity You Enjoy. It's important to find a hobby that helps you tune in to your spirit.

想抵挡住生活中的诱惑就要心静,于是想看名著来修身养性的。Want to resist the temptation of life is necessary to calm the mind, so want to see famous for self-cultivation.

它孕育于中华传统文明,流传数百年长盛不衰,是人类强身健体、技击防身、修身养性的重要手段。Tai Chi, which is rich in Chinese traditional culture, is popular and has been handed down over hundreds of years.

洛克伍德先生是南方一位富人,为了在安宁的环境中修身养性在英格兰的北部租下了画眉山庄。Mr Lockwood, a rich man from the south, has rented Thrushcross Grange in the north of England for peace and recuperation.

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在供奉神明之后,一定要修身养性,这样才能够提高自身的文化修养,对于神明的供奉也更加有好处。In worship, to self-cultivation, so that they can improve their cultural accomplishment, for God worship is more beneficial.

茶有健身、治病等药物疗效,还具有修身养性、陶冶情操等功效。Tea with fitness, treatment and other drug treatment, also has self-cultivation, cultivation of sentiment and other effects.

一些人收集东西作为一种业余爱好,自身的爱好实际上就是一个人修身养性,陶冶情操的过程。Some people collect the things as a kind of hobby, personal hobby , in fact , is the process of cultivate one's moral character.

他一生追求“修身养性、人格完善与写作为文的统一”的生存方式。He has spent all his life with a style of "unification of cultivation of morality and mentality, self-perfection and literary creation".

其父方德为让方世玉修身养性,便将他送去了杭州的九逸会馆下属的一所义学去念书习武。Fang father to let Sai Yuk self-cultivation, they put him sent to the Hall Plaza Hangzhou nine subordinate to a free school to study martial arts.

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他决定借即将到来的基督教四旬斋节再也不会修身养性,近40天,没有身体接触,不喜欢吻,不挑逗。He decided to borrow the upcoming Christian mid-lent section self-cultivation, swear not nearly 40 days, not contact, don"t likes kiss, not provocatively."

它不但是阐明义理、讲学论道的重要机构,也是生徒修身养性、砥砺品行的精神家园。They are not only institutes to elaborate principles, teach and argue, but also spiritual homelands for those disciples to cultivate their moral characters.

对于有文化修养的人,他展现通灵术如何有益于修身养性、培养智力,借此勾引许多人陷入他的网罗。To persons of culture and refinement he presents spiritualism in its more refined and intellectual aspects, and thus succeeds in drawing many into his snare.