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轻质混合土微细观特征的研究。Research on micro-meso-scopic properties of BTS.

远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material.

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对燕麦麸进行细胞级超微细粉碎。Oat bran was porphyrizd into cell-level ultramicro-power.

陕西省某金矿矿石储量大,属微细粒浸染型含条较高的难选金矿石。A gold mine of Shanxi Province has a rich gold ore reserve.

题开展了微细电解加工技术的试验研究工作。EMM , the experimental investigation of EMM was carried out.

黄金为微细颗粒,与强硅化作用伴生。Gold is fine grained, associated with strong silicification.

目的探讨当归超微细粉的内在质量。Objective To explore the inner quality of ultra micro-powder.

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受到破坏的石棉可能会向空气中释放微细纤维。Disturbing asbestos can release microscopic fibers to the air.

要有大的成就,首先从微细的戒开始。Great achievement starts with detailed observance of precepts.

结论超微细粉使用方便、溶出率高。Conclusion The decocting rate of herbs in granule form is high.

促进头发生长的微细胞存在于真皮层。The tiny cells from which hairs grow are located in the dermis.

本文作者独立研制了一种新型、实用的微细电解加工装备。A new micro ECM set-up is developed independently by the author.

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阐述了微细加工技术的发展趋势。It also introduces micro-machining technology development tendency.

在该装置上可以进行微细轴、微细孔和微三维结构的加工。Therefore, micro shaft, micro hole, and 3D microstructure can be ma.

初步考察了影响米糠超微细化工艺的因素。Studying primarily conditions for super-fine comminution of rice bran.

微能脉冲电源是微细电火花加工的一项关键技术。Pulse power supply with micro energy is a core technique for micro-EDM.

采用现代粉体机械可制备微细化玉米淀粉。The corn starch granules can be micronized by the modern powder machine.

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研究了助磨剂作用下粉煤灰的微细化过程。The size reduction process of fly ash with grinding aids has been studied.

发现并肯定两条微细浸染型金矿化带。Two micro-disseminated gold metallogenic belts are discovered and affirmed.

在工艺实践过程中,遇到了微细矿泥难处理的问题。A difficult problem about minuteness mud was faced in the course of practice.