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驱赶着黑夜的迷梦。And drives away dark dreaming night.

但这一切基本上是迷梦和狂想。But all this was essentially lunacy.

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饱含的泪水讲述的是一个个破碎的迷梦。With tears that tell of broken dreams.

爱人哪但愿我的迷梦从未纠缠你。Darling I hope that my dream never haunted you.

在一个返老还童的名字下,我们还处于这个古老的一时迷梦之中吗?Are we in midst of an old fad under a rejuvenated name?

于是他陷入了迷梦,一个关于他的生活的不朽的美梦。So he lapses into a dream, the undying wonderful dream of his life.

最近的严酷现实使她从理想主义的迷梦中清醒过来。The harshness of recent reality disenchanted her of her idealistic hopes.

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阿,帮助我吧,谁能让我从这迷梦中醒来。Oh, help me please is there someone who can make me wake up from this dream?

那么就当这一切是一场午夜的迷梦吧。Then it was better to leave this affair being what it was---a midnight dream.

这次失败粉碎了拿破仑企图在中东和印度建立帝国的迷梦。This defeat shattered Napoleon's dreams of an empire in the Middle East and India.

若有某个强国能够统合全欧资源,便能轻易粉碎不列颠人的迷梦。A nation that can unite the resources of Europe will surely crush the dream of Albion.

完美的演出,令人眩目的服装,那黑色如睡莲般的长袍和血红的高跟鞋都成为歌迷心中的一个迷梦。Perfect performance, dazzling costume, that black robe and red high-heeled shoes become mysterious dreams to his fans.

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也许我们已经摒弃了裹脚吧,可世人却总是沉迷于迫使自己成为完美化身的迷梦中。We may have moved away from foot-binding, but society is still obsessed with forcing people into images of ideal beauty.

当斐迪南七世的镇压使克列奥尔上层的自治迷梦破灭后,他们最终走上了独立的道路。When Ferdinand VII's suppression spoiled the dream of Creole upper class, they eventually walked on the road of independence.

他曾经下流无耻地对待她只是因为害怕他会从和明美幸福生活的愚蠢的迷梦中醒来。He had treated her like dirt, only because he was afraid that he would wake up from his stupid dream of being happy with Minmei.

现代西方哲学家们打碎了乐观主义的迷梦,将发达资本主义社会人生存的真实状态描述为一场悲剧。Breaking shadowy dream of optimism, Modern western philosophy describes people's true life state in capitalist society as a tragedy.

人的想象有时如同一个迷梦,似乎没有任何逻辑,但剥开表面荒诞的外衣就是内心真实态度的呈现。People's imaginations sometimes like a dream, there seems to be not any logic, but without the absurd surface the inner is the present of the true attitude.

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明代的惊情迷梦香港六合彩总部真实料以一种不曾臆想过的意境,复生于京城皇家粮仓的演剧空间。However, it is an unexpected idea to redisplay the surprising romance of the Ming Dynasty in the Imperial Granary in the capital, an unconventional "Drama House".

重新解读两对概念的内涵,走出真理的“迷梦”,为解决人们的认识问题提供一定的思维空间。The article will unscramble the connotation of two concepts so that we go out of the lost dream of the truth, which will provide the vacuum for solving people's cognitive problems.

走在林荫大道上,带着露水的清风徐徐吹来,吹走了夏日的燥热,走醒了昨夜的迷梦,人仿佛也清醒多了。Walking along the broad avenue, you will feel the gentle breeze with dew caresses one's face, stirs the sultriness of summer, blows over from last night's abnormal dream, and make people much clearly.