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不要得意忘形。Don't get carried away.

当我们赢得了比赛,我们高兴的得意忘形。We were carried away when we won the game.

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老万感到舒服极了,有些得意忘形。Lao Wan feels very comfortable and tread on air.

然而说这些还是为时过早,因此不要得意忘形。These are early days, so don't get carried away.

失败不要垂头丧气,胜利不要得意忘形。——佚名。Fail don't depressed, don't get carried away victory.

在伊比沙岛的回忆中得意忘形,我发动了本田摩托车。Proud in my Ibiza memories, I kicked the Honda alive.

他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。He just heard a few compliments will get carried away.

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他这个人有了一点成绩就得意忘形。His head is easily turned by even a small achievement.

不过,香港对这个头衔也不能得意忘形。It probably shouldn't get too comfortable with the title.

他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。He will go beyond himself as long as someone flatters him.

巨大成功使她得意忘形到惊人的地步。The great success has bloated her ego to an alarming degree.

他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。he will forget himself as long as he hears flattering words.

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他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。He felt carried away as long as hearing some flattering words.

他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形。He will be on cloud nine when he gets some complimentary words.

麦琪这几天得意忘形,怎么啦?Maie seems to be quite above herself these days. What happened?

麦琪这几天得意忘形,怎么啦?Maggie seems to be quite above herself these days. What happened?

杰克当选为我们的工会主席,这事使他得意忘形起来。Jack's election to the presidency of our union has turned his head.

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如果有一个球员从来不会得意忘形,那么他肯定就是卢卡。If there was one player who wouldn’t have their head turned it was Luka.

我为自己杀价的本领沾沾自喜、得意忘形,但回到船上后这种感觉便荡然无存了。I was especially pleased with my wonderful bargain—until I got back to the ship.

虽然如此,但求职者千万不要得意忘形,把自己做过的每一件好人好事都写进简历。Don't get carried away and start loading your resume with every single good deed.