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法官猛烈抨击他的批评者。The judge blasted his critics.

新的税收政策受到了猛烈抨击。The new tax policy was slated.

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这支私人军队正饱受抨击。The private army is under fire.

他们以不实言论抨击他。They assailed him with slander.

他开始长篇大论地进行抨击。He launched into a long diatribe.

报纸对新税法进行了抨击。The newspaper attacked the new tax.

他猛烈抨击反对派。He declaimed against the opposition.

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它公开抨击格斗表演。It denounced the gladiatorial shows.

你可以想象得到他所受到的抨击。You can imagine the response he got.

需要我来一些更加猛烈的抨击吗?Do I need to churn out more diatribes?

她抨击对手的声明。She attacked her opponent's statement.

但这些抨击似乎从未让盖特纳分心。But the flack never seemed to derailMr.

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他在会议上抨击了对手。He tilted his adversary at the meeting.

她猛烈抨击他的虚伪的理想主义。She blasted away at his false idealism.

史密斯的剧本遭到评论家的猛烈抨击。Smith's play was savaged by the critics.

作者猛烈抨击沙文主义。The author lashed out against chauvinism.

他猛烈抨击提高税收的主张。He pitched into the idea of raising taxes.

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该参议员抨击增加税收。The senator declaimed against higher taxes.

他总在抨击贸易联盟。E. g. He was always bashing the trade unions.

柯斯迪·艾黎强烈抨击了乔治·洛佩兹对她开的玩笑。Kirstie Alley slams George Lopez for pig joke