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利瑟镇的红色郁金香园地。Red Tulip field in Lisse.

给郁金香园地拍照的的骑车人。Cyclist taking photo of tulip field.

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亲爱的,回到你的园地Go back to thy garden-plot,sweetheart !

迈克尔杰克逊的歌迷交流园地。The world of Michael Jackson & the Jacksons.

我们把园地用栅栏围起来以防范狗进来。We fenced in the garden to keep the dog out.

多萝西认为,屋子旁边的那块园地应该空着。Dorothy argued that the closest garden patch needed fallowing.

外语园地新斑竹板斧上任,全面改版推出!欢迎大家光临!Any foreign language you speak, please come to FOREIGN_LG board!

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乐园。快乐的园地。也就是一个让人一走进去就会快乐的地方。Paradise. A place where people should be happy when we are in it.

一院小小的园地供他盘桓,一片浩阔的天空供他神游。A little garden in which to walk, and immensity in which to dream.

祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地。Blessing strung together a poem, a melody, on a warm spring garden.

究竟上,我们还该当把稳不在公共园地咳嗽或打喷嚏。In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze in public.

可以这样认为,人力资源管理理论园地已是繁花万朵、春色满园。It can be concluded the theory of HRM has plentiful and substantial.

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结了冰的池塘和溜冰场成了溜冰和冰上曲棍球的园地。Frozen ponds and ice rinks become playgrounds for skating and hockey.

人类爱把所有荣死的叶子和树木搬合园地。Humans love to remove all the dead leaves and plants from your garden.

盘绕着圆形园地的界限将咱们同周围离隔。the boundary around the round ground separates us from the surroundings.

她说,她成为牵制蝴蝶在电影园地和唱歌了。She said she became a butterfly pinned down and singing away in Movieland.

小伙子转过身,迈着动摇的步调快捷走过空阔的园地。He turned, and with a firm and quick step he walked across the empty space.

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林地与耕地及园地的转化主要分布在月湖以西、以北部分地区。Woodland, farmland and garden plot migrated to the west and north of Yuehu.

沃兹先生给我们的另一块“糖”是他为我们开辟的“愚蠢园地”。Another "piece of candy" that Mr. Ward gave us was the "board of stupidity".

题画诗是我国古代诗歌园地中的一枝清采。Inscription on a painting is a superb flower in the garden of Chinese poetry.