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心烦意乱因为我的无礼?Does my sassiness upset you?

他的无礼是不可宽赦的。His rudeness is inexcusable.

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他怎么敢说话如此无礼?。How dare he speak so rudely ?

他的粗鲁无礼让我非常气愤。His rudeness kindled my anger.

爱丽斯无礼地把我轰出了门。Alice rudely showed me the door.

他为她的无礼言词而板起面孔。He stiffened at her rude remarks.

你怎麽能容忍他蛮横无礼?How can you suffer his insolence?

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如此无礼决不可宽恕。Nothing can excuse such rudeness.

你怎麽能忍受得了他的无礼?How can you support his insolence?

粗鲁无礼是一个严重的缺点。Rudeness is a serious shortcoming.

她的粗暴无礼冒犯很多人。Her brusqueness offends many people.

对于你旳无礼,我已经受够了。I have had enough of your impudence.

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玛丽对他的无礼很生气。Mary was displeased at his rudeness.

请原谅我这样无礼地打断你。Excuse my interrupting you so rudely.

你曾经对你的父母无礼吗?Have you ever sassed to your parents?

他的无礼举止受到了严厉的批评。He was scourged for his impoliteness.

他的无礼使我怒不可遏。His rudeness made me boil with anger.

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可能是我太莽撞无礼,咄咄逼人了。Perhaps I was too saucy and provoking.

对自己的父母无礼是很不好的行为。It is bad of you to sauce your parents.

对于你的粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。I can't ignore your rudeness any longer.